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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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4 hours ago, Pettytom said:

It’s the whiny old folks who need locking up. 

Along with whoever thought it a good idea to fence in the customers of Manchester University.


What did you do in the war, by the way?

Generally speaking, jealousy is the motivation for discrimination against students.


Its not a good look though.

Why start all the Bickering, over a suggestion that  would make all Students get tested instead of those that can't be bothered,  as for the outrageous comment about old folk, get some respect, they have had a tougher life than you will ever imagine,  you will be old one day and I gauarentee you will be the whinyest because you have lived through  lucrative eras and have never wanted for nothing.  The other ridiculous remark about being jelous of Students  my god  any kids who try to better their lives be it through Education or having a Natural Talent deserve all the  help/support humanly possible. 

Edited by PRESLEY
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On 17/08/2020 at 20:47, taxman said:

After the phenomenal success of the Government's Track and Trace programme it's only right that Dido Harding be given the job of chairing the agency set to replace Public Health England.


What are her medical qualifications again? Ex Chief Executive of Talk Talk and good mate of David Cameron.



Dido Harding, or 'Typhoid Dido' as she's now been re-named, is not only a good mate of David Cameron's, but is the wife of Tory MP John Penrose.

Little known titbit of info: John Penrose was appointed in 2017, and re-appointed in 2019, the Government’s 'Anti-Corruption Champion', responsible for implementing the Government's 'Anti-Corruption Strategy'.


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6 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

Students to be tested before Xmas home leave,  news reporter just said,  thats if all come forward,  easy peasy,  give them all a chitty,  so as they go through the test testing process the Chitty is stamped by the tester then hand in to Uni admin, otherwise no test chitty stamped no home leave. :roll:

Hello Presley.

The other part of the story.

students are going to be allowed to travel home for Christmas in what's being termed as a 'Student travel window'.

(Staggered departures so they can travel home safely )

Dpt Chief medical officer Dr Jenny Harries said "the mass movement of Students across the Country at the end of term presents a really significant challenge within the response. the measures announced today will help students get home to their families as safely possible for Christmas. It is crucial that Students follow the guidance in order to protect their families and the communities they return to"


All very commendable, shame the same wasn't in force when the Students were allowed to flood back to Uni en mass allowing the numbers of Cori V  cases to soar among the Student community and Local Communities when they got there.


Keep safe. 





Edited by Rockers rule
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1 hour ago, PRESLEY said:

Why start all the Bickering, over a suggestion that  would make all Students get tested instead of those that can't be bothered,  as for the outrageous comment about old folk, get some respect, they have had a tougher life than you will ever imagine,  you will be old one day and I gauarentee you will be the whinyest because you have lived through  lucrative eras and have never wanted for nothing.  The other ridiculous remark about being jelous of Students  my god  any kids who try to better their lives be it through Education or having a Natural Talent deserve all the  help/support humanly possible. 

You have no idea if people have lived through "lucrative eras", or "never wanted for nothing". This world is full of people leading extremely tough lives. To try to compare hardships from one generation to another, like there's some kind of grading system for those deserving of our sympathy, I find repugnant.


Why do people who have no first hand knowledge of living through war find a need to belittle other people's problems in comparison.

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1 hour ago, PRESLEY said:

Why start all the Bickering, over a suggestion that  would make all Students get tested instead of those that can't be bothered,  as for the outrageous comment about old folk, get some respect, they have had a tougher life than you will ever imagine,  you will be old one day and I gauarentee you will be the whinyest because you have lived through  lucrative eras and have never wanted for nothing.  The other ridiculous remark about being jelous of Students  my god  any kids who try to better their lives be it through Education or having a Natural Talent deserve all the  help/support humanly possible. 

You’ve no Idea how old I am, what I’ve experienced in life or what I do on a daily basis. So maybe dial the self righteousness down a bit.


I was simply picking you up on your suggestion that the universities should lock kids up if they won’t get tested. That’s a properly outrageous suggestion.

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2 hours ago, melthebell said:

Yeah but thats a given, if you work with it you are at risk, my comments are aimed more at people and being at work in general and how they contract it outside of work, which i should imagine is what happened in this case (as far as im aware no residents gave it, but now at least two staff has it.....)

In a high security (for that type of infection you'd imagine), a worker brought it in. One on one infection outside of work.

On the other hand i work in a visitor attraction / cafe setting and in the summer we had between 200 and 400 people face to face daily, from all over the danger zones (Newcastle, London, leicster, Bradford, Manchester, Sheffield etc) yet no infection...........until now, possibly, from a care home Oo


I think I know what you're getting at.  But once someone's brought it in to that setting, it will spread because you're in close proximity to people - even between staff, you're working indoors with people who are coming in from many different households, maybe who have kids at school so are therefore mixing with people from lots more households, and so on.


In a cafe it's easier to keep people apart, even the staff would only have brief interactions with customers (less than 15 minutes, which is what counts as a contact?).


Personally, I must have caught it at work.  Apparently coughing doesn't count as an aerosol generating procedure...

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35 minutes ago, Bargepole23 said:

You have no idea if people have lived through "lucrative eras", or "never wanted for nothing". This world is full of people leading extremely tough lives. To try to compare hardships from one generation to another, like there's some kind of grading system for those deserving of our sympathy, I find repugnant.


Why do people who have no first hand knowledge of living through war find a need to belittle other people's problems in comparison.

 Well off Topic here but I'll aswer you ,   I wasn't talking about people around the world, I live in this country and am talking about this country, secondly, from 1945 through every decade until present has been better off.  I know because I have lived through every decade since 1945 and didn't get my info from TV or a book and no one is be littleing anyone.  

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57 minutes ago, Pettytom said:

You’ve no Idea how old I am, what I’ve experienced in life or what I do on a daily basis. So maybe dial the self righteousness down a bit.


I was simply picking you up on your suggestion that the universities should lock kids up if they won’t get tested. That’s a properly outrageous suggestion.

 The way you are disrespecting  older people gives me an idea of your Mental age ,  no one suggested locking Students up, other posters understood my post, but then again they wern't looking for an arugment, I would rather be self righteous than disrespectful. 

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8 hours ago, PRESLEY said:

Students to be tested before Xmas home leave,  news reporter just said,  thats if all come forward,  easy peasy,  give them all a chitty,  so as they go through the test testing process the Chitty is stamped by the tester then hand in to Uni admin, otherwise no test chitty stamped no home leave. :roll:

This is you, suggesting that Universities lock up students who won’t take the test. Otherwise, how would they prevent them from going home?

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