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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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9 minutes ago, El Cid said:

In Germany and the United States furlough schemes have been used for decades in times of hardship.

we have a dole system which works generally, this is the only time ive been worried about my income tbh, so.....fairplay, generally though on the governments actions / inactions a firm thumbs down

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13 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Have you any links on how people have been supported in the US? I've seen people have received $1200 since March and not much else.

The US is the only country not to have an explicit wage subsidy scheme in 2020.  It does, however, have other schemes that are designed to encourage businesses to continue employing their staff. These policies – which we describe in the table – are structured as business loans or tax credits, which provide incentives for businesses not to lay workers off.



In the United States, involuntary furloughs concerning federal government employees may be of a sudden and immediate nature. Such was the case in February 2010, when a single United States Senate objection prevented emergency funding measures from being implemented. As a result, 2,000 federal workers for the Department of Transportation were immediately furloughed as of March 1, 2010.

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26 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Have you any links on how people have been supported in the US? I've seen people have received $1200 since March and not much else.

A piece on the lunchtime news was looking at Covid in the US.

Apparently their need of foodbanks is now huge and growing to the extent they can't cope.


America has always been good at pushing the American dream and publicising the affluent results, but there is a huge underbelly of underprivileged in the USA that you don't ever hear much about.


They are there in large numbers, and about to come out of the woodwork.

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56 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Have you any links on how people have been supported in the US? I've seen people have received $1200 since March and not much else.

From: https://www.theguardian.com/money/2020/may/12/how-the-uk-furlough-scheme-compares-with-other-countries


US – Federal pandemic unemployment compensation program (FPUC)

How many workers affected? The FPUC is now supporting more than 30 million US workers.

How much does it cost? It is part of the US Congress $2.2tn Covid rescue program.

What does it pay? The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act has two payment elements. Firstly, it expands states’ ability to provide unemployment benefits, including for workers who are not ordinarily eligible, providing an additional $600 per week until 31 July.

Secondly, one-off cheques of $1,200 have also been sent by the government to all individual households who earn less than $75,000 a year. Couples who earn less than $150,000 have received $2,400, plus $500 for every child in their care. A reduced amount, on a sliding scale, was paid up to earnings of $99,000 for individuals and $198,000 for couples.

Will it need to be reformed? There is pressure to find a way to pay firms that hire back workers on part-time contracts, but is it unclear how that would work. Larry Kudlow, the director of the White House national Economic Council, said a fresh stimulus package would be considered at the end of May and early June.

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This is for you.



Timely,honest communication from a source an audience deems credible is essential to containing fear during a Pandemic.

It's the alarming tone used in media coverage that unnerves me.




Stay well and enjoy you Christmas and New Year.



Edited by petemcewan
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44 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

Not read your link, @petemcewan, but I can guess most of its content. There does seem to be a general desire amongst the 'mainstream' media to cause as much panic as possible, which is unforgivable - IMHO.

Quite right. 

and its every subject they cover. The most irrisponsible  job in the world -


Headline writer.


........now back to the thread. Sorry.


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A thing to watch out for is the theory that the varient(s) are a consequence of treatments and vaccine.

To early to tell ,re ,vaccines.

Varients brewing up in immune compromised people!



It's all theory.There's no scientific proof of any of it.

The "News" keeps rolling out all these Profs ,Dr's ,Epidemiologists and god knows who. All spouting "authoritatively" their own pet theories.

Who are  they? Where have they come from? Who cares?



Edited by petemcewan
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