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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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7 minutes ago, West 77 said:

The only strong EU supporter poster who has had the good grace to acknowledge the EU have messed up regarding the covid-19 vaccine program is Pettytom. 

i think everyone knows they messed up over the vaccine program...



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5 hours ago, apelike said:

I think its already been explained that no corners were cut

The trials required volunteers to "be in good health".  So the results of 90% effectivness are not applicable to all the many vulnerable people that have died of COVID.

Some of the trials are showing 60% effectivness, so ONLY 40,000 people would have died so far. There needs to be more scrutiny!

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22 hours ago, Westie1889 said:

You are going through more than me Becky so deserve your chocolate and alcohol.

Im struggling with home schooling never mind the conditions you are having to work in so I take

my hat off to you and thankyou for everything that you are doing.

We will get through this and things should look different by Summer but this does feel like the toughest time of the pandemic and it’s understandable you and many others feel this way as I think we all do to some degree.

Stay safe.




I dunno, I think I'd rather be doing the job I'm doing than homeschooling 😆😄😆


Thanks, and good luck!

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5 hours ago, *_ash_* said:

A proper lockdown from the start?

When do you think is considered the start?

January like China did? We didn't have a confirmed case until 1 week AFTER they were in lockdown.


Even in here, people were just saying, Oh it's just another SARS MERS rubbish... blah blah


I think people have short memories in here. Even now with tens of thousands of cases per day, many people are denying/not following rules etc.


Reminder: (of course with hindsight we now know it was rife and spreading fast, but it was so early in the pandemic that it wasn't even 1st in the news. )


Jan 31 - 1 confirmed case.

Feb 29 - 23 confirmed cases.

March 5 - cases surpasses 100.

March 16th - 1500 cases, and 55 deaths.

March 18th - death toll exceeds 100




100 deaths is 100 too many, but do you think people would have accepted a complete lockdown on 100 people?

Some people live in a hindsight dreamworld.


Let me tell you, if the government had have locked down then, we would almost certainly have been in a much better state now with cases, but the economy would still have been in big trouble,


And all the anti-government lot would now be saying, look at this hopeless government, killed the economy for a harmless bug.


What have the opposition done? other than wait for a mistake then complain things not done earlier.

(p.s. Comparing to Aus and New Zealand isn't a good comparison, apples and oranges)




When did the epidemiologists/virologists first suggest lockdown?  I'd probably have done it then...

Maybe when cases were escalating exponentially, and information from other countries about the serious illness it caused was coming in?


The economy is in big trouble now, do you think it's better that 100,000 people have died and the NHS can't operate normally?  With healthcare staff and teachers close to burnout because of how they are having to work, it dragging on and on with  no end in sight?


And is it really apples and oranges to compare UK to Aus/NZ - they do have densely populated areas as well.

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3 hours ago, Delayed said:

Same old rhetoric.


EU good

UK bad



I think you have misunderstood L00b's post, they are saying it shouldn't be an EU vs UK issue, and I agree. It shouldn't be an anyone vs. anyone issue, we should be trying to work out how to make sure the maximum number of people throughout the world get the vaccine at the most affordable price in the quickest time.

Edited by Delbow
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1 hour ago, Becky B said:

When did the epidemiologists/virologists first suggest lockdown?  I'd probably have done it then...

Maybe when cases were escalating exponentially, and information from other countries about the serious illness it caused was coming in?


The economy is in big trouble now, do you think it's better that 100,000 people have died and the NHS can't operate normally?  With healthcare staff and teachers close to burnout because of how they are having to work, it dragging on and on with  no end in sight?


And is it really apples and oranges to compare UK to Aus/NZ - they do have densely populated areas as well.

I think at most, it would have been done 2 weeks earlier.

We'll never know, but I think it probably would have still gathered pace. Look at what happened when we have reopened!

I can only guess, but I think if we'd have shut a couple of weeks earlier, then doubtless many fewer would have died in the first peak, but I also think if we got cases number right right down, like some far-eastern countries did... people would have relaxed too much, and we'd still be in this position now. But probably still huge death count.


I've listed things to do in here and online from the start, things we still haven't done! So I'm not happy in the slightest. Did you watch the 30 seconds clip I posted earlier here... https://www.sheffieldforum.co.uk/topic/473199-coronavirus-part-two/page/328/?tab=comments#comment-8390967

How difficult is that?!

I'm sure instead of wasting billions on our track n trace, we could have rang up Korea or China and asked for a copy of their system, for a few billion,.


Where the country has messed up I think, is not copying more of countries that controlled it. Countries around China right down to Aus/NZ had this before with SARS and were far better prepared for it. We should have done more of what they did.


Aus/NZ, is different IMO. For a start they can more easily control their borders. Their cities are far more spaced apart than UK, and isolating areas is therefore easier... and as I said above, they were more prepared because they also had SARS thread last time.


It's also not a travel hub like London is. Thousands of people going through it everyday.


I'm disappointed that this government weren't tougher earlier on, but I'm equally annoyed that the opposition have contributed nothing, other than saying this was a mistake that was a mistake.



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3 hours ago, El Cid said:

How many people do you think a vaccine should be tested on, to show its safe and it works. How many people over 70 should the vaccine be tested on, before its releade?

I am glad to say that I don't have to make those types of decisions and are even happier to let those with experience and qualifications in creating and testing vaccines make them. Its not up to you or I to decide only to rely on what they have stated.

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23 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Somebody in the EU needs to take a deep breath and calm down.


BBC News - Brexit: EU introduces controls on vaccines to NI

It's not auspicious, and the way the Commission went about it makes for poor optics.


Expect a corrective U-turn very soon...


...or, as the case may turn out, an explainer to justify the decision.

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2 hours ago, West 77 said:

Scrutiny is happening every day as the vaccine program progresses.  The big issue now is how long are all people including those both in good health and those with underlying health problems are protected after receiving doses of a covid19 vaccine. As every day passes the scientists learn more in order to help fight the coronavirus pandemic.

Indeed, we need to learn. Gibraltar has had 6 deaths after they had the vaccine. Delay will mean people dont get the vaccine in time.

Gibraltar will be an easy country to study, although it maybe rather small.

The flu vaccine is stated to need 2 weeks to develop an immunity, I have only read 3 weeks for the COVID vaccine.

Are they just playing safe or does it work differently, maybe some vaccines work faster/better?


The group most vulnerable to non-pandemic flu, the elderly, benefits least from the flu vaccine. There are multiple reasons behind this steep decline in vaccine efficacy, the most common of which are the declining immunological function and frailty associated with advanced age. In a non-pandemic year, a person in the United States aged 50–64 is nearly ten times more likely to die an influenza-associated death than a younger person, and a person over age 65 is over ten times more likely to die an influenza-associated death than the 50–64 age group.



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