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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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2 minutes ago, *_ash_* said:

If the only reason is the needle, then don't worry Padders. They'll have people terrified of needles all day. It's not being stupid. I know what you mean though, you think being scared they'll scold you for not wanting a potentially life saving vaccine. They are expertly trained in not only medicine, but also dealing with all kinds of people. 


If you said you wondered about all these people talking nonsense about state powers and microchips, then I'd definitely say is stupid!! haha


Just as I'd ask you about something you're an expert in, I now look at what the medical experts say. Vallance, Whitty and Van Tam, I have always listened to. 


Honestly, you should have it Padders. This virus ISN'T going to just go away. I know we don't like to think or say it, but realistically, I think most of us know it. 


I know there are lots of NHS staff in here. I bet everyone will say don't worry about needle. Honestly, they see this type of thing (people worried about medical matters) probably almost everyday in their normal working lives (before virus and now - no different).


Trust the experts in their field. (all my own opinions, no facts)



I'm waiting for the Doc to bully me into it, like he's done in the past.

Seen them on the tele having it, and bloody hell, that needle looks about 9inch's long.

I'll wait.

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8 minutes ago, Padders said:

I'm waiting for the Doc to bully me into it, like he's done in the past.

Seen them on the tele having it, and bloody hell, that needle looks about 9inch's long.

I'll wait.

I'm sure you say this to the nurse, you'll get an amusing response!! haha!


Get it done fella. 


You even get a sticker!! I think a lolly should be included too! I might write to Laura Kunesberg!


take it and be safe 

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1 hour ago, Anna B said:

Can anyone tell me, when you're contacted for the covid vaccination, is it by post, telephone or email?

We got a phone call from our surgery, but 2 of my pals were texted.We also received the NHS letter which can be ignored if your vaccination has already been carried out or already arranged.

We were also given our second appointment date in May,but I know that others do not get both dates at the same time.

In my opinion it is a good thing for everyone to have the jab as offered and Padders,if you can summon up the resolve to donate blood,then an injection is infinitely easier and quicker.All the best....you will only feel a little prick.



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6 hours ago, Bargepole23 said:

If you read the reported quotes from staff at the centre involved, these football club players and staff were the last on the list of people they tried contacting who could arrive in time. Staff who are working 12 hour shifts, only for people to question their judgment from the comfort of an armchair.


Never mind, I'm sure they will treat everyone respectfully,  despite it not being reciprocated by some.

I think if you read my post you’ll find I did not  refer to vaccine centre staff or the footballers in my post but those individuals who obtain a vaccine by using an NHS identity they are not entitled to. I wouldn’t want any vaccine to be wasted but nor would I want, from the comfort of my armchair, people to scam their way up the queue

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I've worked on some jobs where people just carry on as if everything's normal. Lots of different trades crammed in small spaces indoors and minimal ventilation. No masks,  no sanitizers. Falsified mask-exemption cards are carried by people who believe that masks are "against their human rights". Bearing in mind some people on building sites aren't the healthiest, it's not an ideal situation.  I now ask how many people are going to be on a job at any one time and if I think its not safe I'll turn it down. I'm very lucky to be able to do this and realise that most people won't have this option. 

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3 hours ago, Padders said:


I got a letter this week from NHS offering me the vaccine, It said if I don't reply my doctor will get in touch with me.

I binned it.

I'm not having it, I'm terrified of needles, yep sounds stupid I know.

Wish they would bring out a tablet form. 

Aw Padders, I'm so sorry to hear that, but I do urge you to bite the bullet and have the vaccine.


I know how you feel, I'm terribly claustrophobic, so  wouldn't you know, as fate would have it, I've had to go for umpteen MRI scans head first in that horrible tight claustrophobic little tube. I threw a complete wobbly the first time which made it worse. It meant I had to do it all over again! However after that embarrassment, I now always ask for sedatives from my GP and take them an hour before the scan which helps enormously. 

Maybe you could ask your GP for something similar.


I know a few people now who've had the vaccine with no ill effects. We'd hate to lose you to this awful illness and I imagine if you were unfortunate enough to have to go to hospital with covid, you'd get quite a few needles with no choice at all. So be brave, and just do it. It'll be all over in seconds, and it will be so worth it. 


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6 hours ago, Anna B said:

Aw Padders, I'm so sorry to hear that, but I do urge you to bite the bullet and have the vaccine.


I know how you feel, I'm terribly claustrophobic, so  wouldn't you know, as fate would have it, I've had to go for umpteen MRI scans head first in that horrible tight claustrophobic little tube. I threw a complete wobbly the first time which made it worse. It meant I had to do it all over again! However after that embarrassment, I now always ask for sedatives from my GP and take them an hour before the scan which helps enormously. 

Maybe you could ask your GP for something similar.


I know a few people now who've had the vaccine with no ill effects. We'd hate to lose you to this awful illness and I imagine if you were unfortunate enough to have to go to hospital with covid, you'd get quite a few needles with no choice at all. So be brave, and just do it. It'll be all over in seconds, and it will be so worth it. 


That's the strange thing Anna.  If the doctor, out of the blue turned up on my doorstep and said your having the Covid Jab, I would say "right get it done"

If they say your having it in 2 weeks, I live in fear, can't sleep I'm a nervous wreck.

I'm exactly the same with the dentist

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2 hours ago, Padders said:

That's the strange thing Anna.  If the doctor, out of the blue turned up on my doorstep and said your having the Covid Jab, I would say "right get it done"

If they say your having it in 2 weeks, I live in fear, can't sleep I'm a nervous wreck.

I'm exactly the same with the dentist

I'm exactly the same.  I don't have the flu jab, mainly for that reason, but when the season comes round and we get pressure from work to have it, I'm waking up in the night regularly in a cold sweat, from anxiety.

People can tell me all they want "oh,  it's fine, you don't feel it" - I flippin' well do!!! 

Once it's over, I'm fine, and the needle is never quite as bad as I think, it's all in the anticipation.


I've had the Pfizer vaccine, and I can honestly say I didn't notice it.  I explained how anxious I am, and the possibility I might faint afterwards.

She didn't say "sharp scratch" or anything so inane, I was still waiting for it when she said "all done" 😀.


Full disclosure - I did nearly pass out about 5 minutes later, when I was sitting around afterwards.  Felt it coming on and managed to get down on the floor before I fell down though!  It must have been relief!

The staff really are used to it!  They told me they'd had charge nurses keeling over - and they stick needles in people all the time...

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9 minutes ago, Becky B said:

I'm exactly the same.  I don't have the flu jab, mainly for that reason, but when the season comes round and we get pressure from work to have it, I'm waking up in the night regularly in a cold sweat, from anxiety.

People can tell me all they want "oh,  it's fine, you don't feel it" - I flippin' well do!!! 

Once it's over, I'm fine, and the needle is never quite as bad as I think, it's all in the anticipation.


I've had the Pfizer vaccine, and I can honestly say I didn't notice it.  I explained how anxious I am, and the possibility I might faint afterwards.

She didn't say "sharp scratch" or anything so inane, I was still waiting for it when she said "all done" 😀.


Full disclosure - I did nearly pass out about 5 minutes later, when I was sitting around afterwards.  Felt it coming on and managed to get down on the floor before I fell down though!  It must have been relief!

The staff really are used to it!  They told me they'd had charge nurses keeling over - and they stick needles in people all the time...

Good post Becky, spot on.

I've never had the flu jab either. what puzzles me is the fact that when I have the needle, It's painless, no problem at all,

Yet I'm still terrified of it, must be a phobia :huh:.  (oxford dictionary. Phobia- morbid fear or aversion)

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30 minutes ago, Becky B said:

I'm exactly the same.  I don't have the flu jab, mainly for that reason, but when the season comes round and we get pressure from work to have it, I'm waking up in the night regularly in a cold sweat, from anxiety.

People can tell me all they want "oh,  it's fine, you don't feel it" - I flippin' well do!!! 

Once it's over, I'm fine, and the needle is never quite as bad as I think, it's all in the anticipation.



That is one of the problems facing people who, for one reason or another, don't want to have the jab.  Employers have no right to access your medical records, yet they want you to have the jab and access proof you have had it.  Why?  So they can say that they have done their bit and that all their employees are vaccinated.


I fully expect pressure to build on those who don't have the jab, until they get down the age-groups and try to get to the younger groups (who surveys have said are more reluctant to have it).


With around half saying they'd not have it, I really can't see companies turning their backs on such a large potential purchasers.  By this time, infections, hospitalisation etc will probably be down so much that Covid will be all but over.



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