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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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5 minutes ago, L00b said:

I’m translating for British readers, ‘cause I’m considerate like that 😉

The logic to the cross-border allowance is that most people who live near borders (especially in the continental EU) have their living, shopping and *especially* working habits across borders.

So cross-border travel remains allowed for these people (most of the time, as it keeps changing and e.g. subject to CV testing at times).  Others based outside that geographic limit have to get -and produce on demand- a PCR test less than 48 hours old for crossing borders, as they would if they were flying.


I was just tested yesterday as it happens, 7th or 8th large-scale-test invite since last year. Government-run at Park & Rides around the country, get the NHS letter with booking code, web-based booking, drive-in testing, result via SMS within 4 to 5 hour.


If only they could get vaccinations running as smoothly now.

OK, but I think the majority of British readers are either (like me) bi-lingual in weight and measures, or like the younger generation, metric-centric,🙂


Understand the logic a bit bit more now -thanks. Testing seems well organised - it has to be, I suppose -  otherwise the continental economies would crash and burn.


As to the vaccination shambles - no real comment, but I see political considerations in play. May be wrong, but...

3 minutes ago, petemcewan said:


Definitely with you on that.

Cheers, Pete.

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Since no one on the tv live updates asks any decent questions... 


I only watched tonight as Prof. VanTam was on. 


though saying that, if Laura Kuenesnnburg is first in the queue, I generally turn it off like today...



if we were still in the EU, would we also have stopped AZ? Or is open choice?



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2 hours ago, L00b said:

I’m translating for British readers, ‘cause I’m considerate like that 😉

The logic to the cross-border allowance is that most people who live near borders (especially in the continental EU) have their living, shopping and *especially* working habits across borders.

So cross-border travel remains allowed for these people (most of the time, as it keeps changing and e.g. subject to CV testing at times).  Others based outside that geographic limit have to get -and produce on demand- a PCR test less than 48 hours old for crossing borders, as they would if they were flying.


I was just tested yesterday as it happens, 7th or 8th large-scale-test invite since last year. Government-run at Park & Rides around the country, get the NHS letter with booking code, web-based booking, drive-in testing, result via SMS within 4 to 5 hour.


If only they could get vaccinations running as smoothly now.

Some days last week France was vaccinating more than the UK  and this is before rolling it out Pharmacies. The difficulty here (Dordogne, France) seems to be getting hold of the vaccine in the first place.

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2 minutes ago, *_ash_* said:

Since no one on the tv live updates asks any decent questions... 


I only watched tonight as Prof. VanTam was on. 


though saying that, if Laura Kuenesnnburg is first in the queue, I generally turn it off like today...



if we were still in the EU, would we also have stopped AZ? Or is open choice?



It's down to choice for each country in the EU. I expect that it will be restarted tomorrow in many of the EU countries where it was stopped temporarily.

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Just now, Longcol said:

It's down to choice for each country in the EU. I expect that it will be restarted tomorrow in many of the EU countries where it was stopped temporarily.

if there are wasted vaccines as someone mentioned earlier, then bloody shame on them!



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1 minute ago, *_ash_* said:

if there are wasted vaccines as someone mentioned earlier, then bloody shame on them!



Unopened vials of the AstraZeneca vaccine have a shelf life of about 6 months as long as kept in a fridge.

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The Novavax vaccine is hoping to be rolled out April/May according to the news.  Not long to wait, if all goes to plan.  Our Government has ordered 60 million doses.


The EU can’t threaten to block this vaccine until they catch up with there pathetic handling of rolling out the vaccine to EU countries because it’s made in Teesside.


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9 hours ago, Longcol said:

Some days last week France was vaccinating more than the UK  and this is before rolling it out Pharmacies. The difficulty here (Dordogne, France) seems to be getting hold of the vaccine in the first place.

It certainly was, and one could e.g. compare the numbers of fully-vaccinated (i.e. double-jabbed) people in the UK and France...


...but I'm trying to avoid falling into this "vaccine nationalism" crap 😉


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1 hour ago, hauxwell said:

The Novavax vaccine is hoping to be rolled out April/May according to the news.  Not long to wait, if all goes to plan.  Our Government has ordered 60 million doses.


The EU can’t threaten to block this vaccine until they catch up with there pathetic handling of rolling out the vaccine to EU countries because it’s made in Teesside.


Interesting - especially as the Government has already bought over 300 million doses of other vaccines, to give 2 doses to each adult in the UK (population c68 million). 


Stories in the news today are saying that we are at risk of falling behind our planned rollout as a result of the EU threat to withhold supplies.


Makes you wonder, dunnit!

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