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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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9 hours ago, petemcewan said:

Annie Bynnol,

Do you have any idea how many people have been vaccinated in Sheffield ?

I'd like to know the demographic of the cases that are contributing to the slow increases in cases.

There has to be an identifiable vector that is driving the increase.


According to Greg Fell the rise is in ‘working age’ people.  It is also expected that a rise in cases in school children will be seen soon. 
Wherever unvaccinated people are mixing indoors cases will spread.  

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22 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Barnsley  has highest rate of covid-19 cases per 100,000 in England.

Sheffield is climbing slowly.


Where've you got that stat from Annie ? I live in Barnsley, worrying.

Edited by Ridgewalk
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14 minutes ago, Ridgewalk said:

Where've you got that stat from Annie ? I live in Barnsley, worrying.

here's some stats, don't know if they are the ones Annie used 




and some local news





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14 hours ago, redruby said:

According to Greg Fell the rise is in ‘working age’ people.  It is also expected that a rise in cases in school children will be seen soon. 
Wherever unvaccinated people are mixing indoors cases will spread.  

Vaccinated people can still spread the virus.


Sadly, there are many people out there who believe they are somehow immune to catching or spreading Covid once they've had their jabs.  As I understand it, nobody is claiming that any vaccine totally stops infection, only that it is likely to mitigate bad outcomes from it.  Similarly with passing it on.



(a vaccinated person) "is less likely to transmit it to someone else".


"since the vaccines don't provide 100% protection from infection, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people continue to wear masks and social distance even after they've been vaccinated".





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I think it’s telling that the latest Shielding email I received informs me that shielding ends on 31st March but still advises me to carry on with the same precautions and extends priority access to supermarket delivery. In fact the only difference seems to be the withdrawal of SSP with the advisory to discuss specific precautionary actions with your employer if you can’t work from home 

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