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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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1 hour ago, onewheeldave said:

There are quite a lot actually.

True. My daughter for example. She's an athlete so she's physically very fit and strong and  on the outside appears to have no issues. However due to a traumatic experience is unable to wear any kind of face covering. As a result she has regularly faced discrimination in shops, at college and when she tried to use public transport. Most people don't cause an issue but there seems to be a hardcore of people who seem to enjoy going out of their way to cause an issue when really it's non of their business and they should just get on with their day and let her get on with hers. It's a good job she is resilient and for the most part can brush it off and move on but the longer this goes on the more I worry that she'll reach breaking point this could begin to affect her long term. 


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3 hours ago, Staunton said:

'Working round the clock,' has become a whine emanating from cabinet ministers. 'Working night and day' and 'working tirelessly' they insist as if that is adequate rejection of all criticism of their failed private sector response to a deadly pandemic. The ones who really have been working all hours, NHS staff, have been snubbed with a 1% pay rise.


Meanwhile Boris Johnson has been caught trying to preserve tax advantages for his billionaire friend James Dyson, now established in his Singapore tax haven having flown from Brexit Britain. Billionaires like Dyson and Greensill, David Cameron's financier friend looking to profit from NHS contracts, don't shop in John Lewis or Debenhams. They don't turn up at Chelsea or Manchester City matches and buy a hot dog at half time. In short they do not contribute to our economy. Neoliberalism is a success, it has done what it was designed to do - transfer wealth from the poor to the already rich. The devastation to our communities matters not to these super rich individuals. They use their wealth to enjoy a lifestyle of isolated splendour, associating only with their own.


Hard work and dedication, the kind of virtues amply and wonderfully demonstrated by NHS staff, teachers and front line workers in essential roles, are as nothing to the tax abusers of the billionaire set or their political friends in government. It is now becoming apparent with absolute clarity which side Mr Johnson and his chums are on as slease and corruption yet again become the signature of conservative party rule.

Quoted for truth :thumbsup:

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5 hours ago, makapaka said:

It’s never going away. Get used to it.


the only issue is how long we let it dominate the media and political agenda - which will be a long time when it’s also reinforced daily by the self-appointed Covid police.

I agree with this. Take the media out of the equation and Covid will simply fade away. Yes it will still be around and affect a few people but that will be no more remarkable than any other illness.

The media sensationalise everything in order to sell newspapers, and the government like a fearful population as it makes them easier to control and manipulate. Heaven knows what they're getting away with under the aegis of Covid.

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3 minutes ago, apelike said:

Didn't you state on another thread that this is a forum where people can discuss matters of interest. ;)

I'm delighted that my responses have provoked you into trolling me.

I thought what Staunton highlighted about the discrepancy between the lived experiences of front line workers, and the dodgy dealings and the lack of probity when it comes to the handling of coronavirus was spot on. 

I think that many people have died unnecessarily is tragic. Why would anyone want to distract from that?


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16 minutes ago, butlers said:

128,000 dead.

Yup media should put that on page 28 .

And they should also state that it is less than 0.1% out of a population of 68,000,000 just to put it in context.


6 minutes ago, Mister M said:

I'm delighted that my responses have provoked you into trolling me.

I thought what Staunton highlighted about the discrepancy between the lived experiences of front line workers, and the dodgy dealings and the lack of probity when it comes to the handling of coronavirus was spot on. 

I think that many people have died unnecessarily is tragic. Why would anyone want to distract from that?

See the above post. Far from you thinking it a distraction it is indeed tragic but needs to be firmly put in context given we have a population of 68,000,000.

Edited by apelike
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