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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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1 hour ago, Fudbeer said:

It will all be forgotten very quickly imo.


Whats important is what Boris did not what he may have discussed in private. conversations where we don’t know the full transcript of what was said could easily be taken out context.

To me a private conversation with your boss should remain that way private.



So no government transparency or accountability at all then?

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12 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

So no government transparency or accountability at all then?

You mustn’t criticize the infallible Spaffer the great, can you imagine the newspapers tomorrow if this had been the chief adviser to a Labour PM?

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5 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Cummings is now desperately trying to save his own skin by throwing as much mud as he can and hoping some sticks.


There's something not right about a man who posts a chain of 65+ posts on Twitter.


He acted like he was untouchable and the new Alistair Campbell when he worked for the government and alienated the British public with his tales. Now he wants us to believe him?


He'll most likely run himself over with the bus he's trying to throw Boris and co under.


I don't think Cummings is trying to save his own skin, as much as he wants to damage Shagger Boris and the current government.


You'd expect Cummings would understand that slagging off your former employer is never a good idea, but I guess he just wants to increase his media profile before going on to greater (or worser) career opportunities . . .


I doubt Cummings will be out of work for long though.  I'm sure there are plenty of dodgy but well-connected PR / Media / Consultancy organisations that would happily employ him.  Yes, just like Cambridge Analytica.

Edited by The Joker
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5 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

I can't stand the man but I felt he answered alot "straight" - how true they are I don't know, he also offered some interesting insights and there was some valid points in there - johnson and corbyn shoukdnt have been the best two on offer! It was fascinating telly though.


I then heard Johnson on PMQs and he failed to answer anything, just banged on about vaccines and how Labour are rubbish. Didn't matter what the question was. I had to turn it off.

I think the important thing that's being missed here is that Boris Johnson failed to answer in Parliament today whether he said "only 80 year olds are dying of it" in discussions about the second lockdown. Here's how it goes if he didn't say it:


"Did you say that?"



and here's how it goes if he did say it:


"Did you say that?"

[answers different question]


He said it. It's obvious he said it. If he didn't say it, he would have just said 'no'. Anyone who supports this man after this is just vermin.

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8 minutes ago, Fudbeer said:

They should be held accountable for their policies not what was discussed in private.

But what they discussed in private happened. If im honest the "thousands of bodies" comment doesn't bother me. That's typical bombastic Johnson. Ministers lying to other ministers bothers me and it should bother you.

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6 hours ago, alchresearch said:

Cummings is now desperately trying to save his own skin by throwing as much mud as he can and hoping some sticks.


There's something not right about a man who posts a chain of 65+ posts on Twitter.


He acted like he was untouchable and the new Alistair Campbell when he worked for the government and alienated the British public with his tales. Now he wants us to believe him?


He'll most likely run himself over with the bus he's trying to throw Boris and co under.


He didn't excuse himself from what happened. 

1 hour ago, hobinfoot said:

Reality or revenge?  I think it’s the  latter.

Does it alter the reality of happened even if he's motivated by revenge? He seemed even more critical of Hancock

Edited by Mister M
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