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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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50 minutes ago, top4718 said:

I find people wanting extended restrictions at a time when there are virtually no deaths, the vulnerable are protected and the majority at no risk anyway absolutely insane, it’s criminal.

Infections are increasing rapidly - we've yet to see if they translate into a sharp increase in hospitalisations. It's hospitalisations - especially intensive care  - that consumes the most resources  - not deaths.


The lowest number of vaccinations are by and large in big cities - London, Birmingham, Manchester etc - the places where it is easiest for the virus to spread, Not sure how well "the vulnerable" are protected in cities seeing as a lot of workers are in public facing roles.


So caution advisable for a couple more weeks top to see if hospitalisations surge.

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7 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Infections are increasing rapidly - we've yet to see if they translate into a sharp increase in hospitalisations. It's hospitalisations - especially intensive care  - that consumes the most resources  - not deaths.


The lowest number of vaccinations are by and large in big cities - London, Birmingham, Manchester etc - the places where it is easiest for the virus to spread, Not sure how well "the vulnerable" are protected in cities seeing as a lot of workers are in public facing roles.


So caution advisable for a couple more weeks top to see if hospitalisations surge.

Steady on, that's sensible and mirrors what's happened on the two previous waves.


You wanna go maskless like toppers and start kissing coughing tramps. 

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11 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Steady on, that's sensible and mirrors what's happened on the two previous waves.


You wanna go maskless like toppers and start kissing coughing tramps. 

If your love live was as abysmal as mine, it might be an option.

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Guest sibon
15 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Steady on, that's sensible and mirrors what's happened on the two previous waves.


You wanna go maskless like toppers and start kissing coughing tramps. 

Sod that.


I’m off out licking door handles.


Who’s in?

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10 minutes ago, hackey lad said:

Its been a long hard road and the population ,on the whole  have been great . Why spoil it for the sake of a few weeks ?

Agreed. We've done the hard yards - multiple working vaccines being administered at incredible levels, let's not balls it up now.

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Guest sibon
3 minutes ago, top4718 said:




Windows might be better.



You might want to review that comment in the morning.

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1 minute ago, top4718 said:

Three weeks to save the NHS (March 2020) 


Lockdown now to save Summer (Spring 2020)


Lockdown now to save Christmas - we got one day (October 2021)


Restrictions can be lifted after the vulnerable have been vaccinated (Matt Hancock) 


Restrictions can all be lifted on 21st July (March 2021)


Just another two weeks (June 2021)


How many more lies do they have to put in front of you before the penny drops, I've got to admit the Government have done a sterling job of putting the fear of God into people, staggering.



Windows might be better.

They havent put the fear of god into me , Im made of sterner stuff . If you are not bothered about others in society , then thats up to you . Do not pull people down who care and are actually trying to help. 

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Guest sibon
7 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

It's your right to do that. THE MAN shouldn't stop you - and hurl abuse at any low wage workers who try to stop you.

I’m off to the theatre with Andrew Lloyd Webber.

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