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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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Can I just why for as long as I've lived no one believes a word anyone in power says, there was the old joke - how do you know when a politician is lying, his lips move but anything they say regarding Covid-19 is taken as gospel, they're lining their pockets with millions off the back of it whilst we have to put a useless mask on to walk 10 foot for a pee, its unbelievable.

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Just now, FoxLady said:

You've been coming across as one for a while, but now you're elevated to a prize one.

You really should get out more.


Better yet for us all, don't.

I go out plenty dear, that's why I know its hogwash.

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1 hour ago, hackey lad said:

Should make it mandatory for anyone working in or near schools. 

Sorry, but it's not right to impose vaccinations on anyone.

It is one of the few freedoms we have left in a democracy.


I sought out as much information as I could get hold of, showing both sides of the argument, (and yes, there is another side, in spite of it being unnecessarily difficult to find it) and made an informed choice to have the vaccine. I had no ill effects afterwards, but that's not true of everyone. 


To make it mandatory sets a legal precedent which borders on fascism.

When you give governments authority over your body beware what comes 's next?



1 hour ago, hackey lad said:



Edited by Anna B
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1 hour ago, butlers said:

Gov to make vaccination mandatory for care home staff and considering it for nhs staff.


As soon as Governments make things mandatory and the public allow it, 2 things happen:

  1. those in power make more things mandatory as they have the power to
  2. you get an "alternative" of sorts (speakeasies during prohibition, underground during occupations)

In this instance, we've all heard of the low wages and low staff levels in both care homes and the HNS - make it mandatory and you'll get mass walkouts and fewer people working in those sectors.


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Last I saw 94 percent of nhs  Frontline staff were either part of fully vaccinated.


As to care staff don't have the number.


Think school children have to have some  vaccination before they can attend school ?


Edited by butlers
Added frontline
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11 hours ago, top4718 said:

Unless you have pre-existing conditions are elderly or obese it is, I'd even say with the people I know that have had it it's not even as bad as the flu.

How many people have "pre-existing conditions"?


15 million according to the Kings Fund Centre.




So I think we can be pretty sure having a pre -existing condition  doesn't mean you're at deaths door.



Edited by Longcol
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2 hours ago, butlers said:

Gov to make vaccination mandatory for care home staff and considering it for nhs staff.


thought it already was?? i know a lot of people that work in care homes and they had their vaccinations early on.

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