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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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3 minutes ago, apelike said:

It may be yes. I have proposed in the past that everybody should be tested for antibodies to see if that have already contracted it before and vaccination was offered as having one might simply be not necessary. Two of my family members will not have it and I know plenty of others as well but can only speak of my experiences. One of my family was in tears a few days ago because of being bullied and argued with at work because she refuses to have one.  Both have mixed with people who have tested positive in the past with those people only showing mild symptoms and yet they themselves not been affected. Because of that the don't see the need and don't see why they should be bullied and I can actually understand why. Having said that they have been respectful to me by distancing and before me being vaccinated wearing a mask at times.

Understand what you are saying there, and I understand your 'proposal'. Again, speaking personally, I don't know whether or not I had it in a mild form - I tend to pick up 'colds'-like things fairly easily, but they don't incapacitate me, so maybe I had it prior to my first injection mid-February. Don't know, but I followed up with my second in early May, and now assume I, personally, am fairly safe.


I don't condone bullying, but unless you have a valid reason for not having the vaccine, why wouldn't you? Not having one MAY lead to you contracting one of the variants unless you have gained antibodies, but you wouldn't know that unless you had been tested.

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5 minutes ago, Janus said:

"It's their funeral", as the saying goes, and the older they get the greater the need for protection.

Not really true though as the recovery from this virus is mainly down to the immune system response and that why it does not target one specific age group alone ie the old. You are also suggesting that this virus will be around and active for many years to come as well.

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4 minutes ago, apelike said:

Not really true though as the recovery from this virus is mainly down to the immune system response and that why it does not target one specific age group alone ie the old. You are also suggesting that this virus will be around and active for many years to come as well.

There aren't many people suggesting it won't be around and active for many years to come.

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PHE  have started publishing reinfection rates .

Aprox.  1 in 200 become home reinfected .


If you have not had the virus but are fully vaccinated the number I have seen is that it's less than 1 in a thousand chance of reinfection.

That's via the CDC.



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1 minute ago, RollingJ said:

I don't condone bullying, but unless you have a valid reason for not having the vaccine, why wouldn't you?

But that is going down similar lines as proving you have a valid reason not to wear a face mask and which I find unacceptable, and we already know how people react on here about that.


1 minute ago, RollingJ said:

Not having one MAY lead to you contracting one of the variants unless you have gained antibodies, but you wouldn't know that unless you had been tested.

That is true but it is still a personal choice in what is still a fairly free society.

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1 minute ago, butlers said:

PHE  have started publishing reinfection rates .

Aprox.  1 in 200 become home reinfected .


If you have not had the virus but are fully vaccinated the number I have seen is that it's less than 1 in a thousand chance of reinfection.

That's via the CDC.


Do you have links for this? Cheers.

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2 minutes ago, apelike said:

But that is going down similar lines as proving you have a valid reason not to wear a face mask and which I find unacceptable, and we already know how people react on here about that.


That is true but it is still a personal choice in what is still a fairly free society.

See your point on the first paragraph - but I did just ask 'Why wouldn't you?' - very very slim chance of anything drastic happening if you did. And yes, some on here do have some warped values.


Agreed on the second point too - but why take a risk?

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2 minutes ago, butlers said:

A low risk though with only 53 out of those 15,893 actually confirmed so hardly a 1 in 200 chance.


This bit I find interesting though:


"There is currently no evidence that the Delta variant, or any other Variants of Concern, are more likely to cause reinfection than others, but we will closely monitor this."

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Wink, still trying to get my kudos back after the stadium faux pas.


I guess with the vaccine you have a  firm start point from when immunity kicked in .

With natural immunity you would not have that and as  it fades could leave you open to reinfection .

With vaccine you could be called back for a booster.


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