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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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14 minutes ago, Thirsty Relic said:

That could be it.  Remember the old addage "What don't kill you makes you stronger".  Apparently has a basis in fact.  We overcome illness thanks to our immune system being exposed to something.  Explains why healthy immune systems overcome Covid, and youngsters can overcome Covid often without knowing they've had it, and carrying that immunity onward.  I'd suggest that many Indians have overcome many illnesses and have stronger immune systems than us, especially those of us who've been staying in for ages as the pubs have been shut!  Now we are out and about, I'd suggest most of us are more at risk than before, even with vaccination.

Good point. Let's face it, one of the reasons so many people have died from covid in the 'civilised west' is the appalling health due to diet and lifestyle, with record numbers of type 2 diabetes, CHD, obesity etc- all known factors that greatly worsen ability to deal with covid.

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5 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

Good point. Let's face it, one of the reasons so many people have died from covid in the 'civilised west' is the appalling health due to diet and lifestyle, with record numbers of type 2 diabetes, CHD, obesity etc- all known factors that greatly worsen ability to deal with covid.

Ridiculous. We don't have appalling health in the West, we have the diseases associated with living long lives in a time of plenty (for us).

Edited by Carbuncle
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37 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

Perhaps in India they're more careful to count only those whose death was actually caused by covid, rather than those who died of other things but just happened to have covid as well? That would make the figures a lot lower, wouldn't it?

Perhaps not.


Covid is the underlying cause of death in 92% of cases where it's mentioned on the death certificate.




"The doctor or coroner certifying a death can record more than one health condition or event on the form. The medical certificate of cause of death has two parts, Part 1 contains the sequence of health conditions or events leading directly to death, while Part 2 can contain other health conditions that contributed to the death but were not part of the direct sequence. For statistical purposes one of the health conditions on the certificate is chosen as the 'underlying cause of death'. The underlying cause of death is defined as the health condition or event that started the train of events leading to death and is worked out according to rules from the World Health Organisation (WHO). COVID-19 is the underlying cause of death in around 92% of deaths where it was mentioned on the death certificate."

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6 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

Good point. Let's face it, one of the reasons so many people have died from covid in the 'civilised west' is the appalling health due to diet and lifestyle, with record numbers of type 2 diabetes, CHD, obesity etc- all known factors that greatly worsen ability to deal with covid.

Part of the civilised West inclused italy how have decent healthcare system, And live - on average a full 5 years longer than Americans (although based on 2020 numbers it could be 7). They got hit hard with covid.

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Guest sibon
17 minutes ago, Longcol said:

Perhaps not.


Covid is the underlying cause of death in 92% of cases where it's mentioned on the death certificate.




"The doctor or coroner certifying a death can record more than one health condition or event on the form. The medical certificate of cause of death has two parts, Part 1 contains the sequence of health conditions or events leading directly to death, while Part 2 can contain other health conditions that contributed to the death but were not part of the direct sequence. For statistical purposes one of the health conditions on the certificate is chosen as the 'underlying cause of death'. The underlying cause of death is defined as the health condition or event that started the train of events leading to death and is worked out according to rules from the World Health Organisation (WHO). COVID-19 is the underlying cause of death in around 92% of deaths where it was mentioned on the death certificate."

There’s no point in keeping on posting that. The people who need to read it don’t seem to have the attention span to get to the end of it.


Do you have it as a YouTube?  Preferably an American one, with portentous music.

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22 minutes ago, Carbuncle said:

Ridiculous. We don't have appalling health in the West, we have the diseases associated with living long lives in a time of plenty (for us).


18 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Part of the civilised West inclused italy how have decent healthcare system, And live - on average a full 5 years longer than Americans (although based on 2020 numbers it could be 7). They got hit hard with covid.


15 minutes ago, butlers said:

Think the US had the biggest life expectancy fall since the second world war?

Longevity ain't health. Longevity is mainly associated with keeping ill, priveliged westeners alive as long as possible with drugs.

Obesity, type 2 diabetes, CHD etc, mainly caused by affluent western lifestyle and bad diet, are at their highest levels, and far exceed the levels in poorer nations- the fact that those obese, diabetic, CHD ridden individuals are kept alive for record durations with the use of symptom management drugs, does not mean they are healthy- far from it.

If the poorer nations weren't subject to oppression, mosquitos and lack of access to clean water, they'd not only be more healthy than the average westener, but probably live longer too, despite having far less access to modern medical care.



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