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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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Guest sibon

I know, because Tops keeps on telling us, that it’s difficult to link to stuff on Twitter.


I think I’ve found a way, though. You copy the URL and paste. Like this:





Voila. A link to a thread outlining the bat**** crazy stuff from today’s antivax rally. If you ever wondered which side you should be on, this should help you to make your mind up.


If your mind hasn’t been rotted by fake vaccines and 5G rays.

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1 hour ago, sibon said:

I know, because Tops keeps on telling us, that it’s difficult to link to stuff on Twitter.


I think I’ve found a way, though. You copy the URL and paste. Like this:





Voila. A link to a thread outlining the bat**** crazy stuff from today’s antivax rally. If you ever wondered which side you should be on, this should help you to make your mind up.


If your mind hasn’t been rotted by fake vaccines and 5G rays.

My lord , those people are nuts .

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1 hour ago, butlers said:

A poster child for mask refusnics.





He had to be told by the judge to wear his mask correctly in the court too 

Singapore being notoriously tough on anti social behaviour ,he may well regret that.

With any luck they will execute him eh? 

That'll show him.. 


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Guest sibon
1 hour ago, Longcol said:

Nuts, along with fruitcake and bat**** wouldn't want to be associated with those people.

Kate Shemirani was calling for nurses and doctors to be hung.


That’s way beyond nuts.

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Guest sibon
2 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I'm pretty sure she only called for them to go on trial Nuremberg style.. 

I’m pretty sure that anyone who agrees with the cavalcade of dangerous lunatics that we saw in London today, should be shunned by normal society.




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7 minutes ago, sibon said:

I’m pretty sure that anyone who agrees with the cavalcade of dangerous lunatics that we saw in London today, should be shunned by normal society.




You mean the 1000s and 1000s of people fighting for their and your freedom? 

The only reason you think they were dangerous lunatics is because msm told you to think that. 

As you rely on msm you may not be aware of the colossal movement that's beginning world wide. 

Don't take my word for it though. It's going to get so big even the MSM will have to cover it.

Edited by The_DADDY
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Guest sibon
3 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

You mean the 1000s and 1000s of people fighting for their and your freedom? 

The only reason you think they were dangerous lunatics is because msm told you to think that. 

As you rely on msm you may not be aware of the colossal movement that's beginning world wide. 

Don't take my word for it though. It's going to get so big even the MSM will have to cover it.

There were a couple of thousand in London today. There were far more at tramlines, and Latitude, all showing their Covid passports.


If you want to align yourself with the bampots in the Twitter thread I posted, go for it. Hopkins, Icke and the Nutty professor aren’t going to be starting any global movement though.


They just serve to illustrate the right side of the line to be on.


I think those graphene conductors in the vaccine might be messing with my 5G reception, so I’m done now. Goodnight.

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