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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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Guest makapaka
1 hour ago, Carbuncle said:

What about the doomsday scenarios?

It is true, though, that ministers and government scientists did express concerns that the situation might have got much worse than it has.

Health Secretary Sajid Javid said cases could reach 100,000 a day, while Prof Neil Ferguson, one of the key modellers, said there could even be 200,000 cases.

These scenarios were possible - at the time infection rates were doubling every 10 days - but they were at the upper end of the modelling scenarios.

But there was a reason why the figures were put forward so publicly. It was, in part, to influence behaviour.

"We messed up the communication about masks," said one government source. "We had ministers claiming they were ditching them - it was giving the wrong impression when we needed the public to remain cautious.

"We knew we had to rein things back again."

The text above @butlers' link is from the link. I assume this is what @makapaka was referring to.


What a ridiculous piece of 'journalism'! Who is it who is saying that the doomsday scenarios were put forward to influence behaviour? The implication of the piece is that it is the government but a literal interpretation of what is written is that it is the opinion of the journalist. A bit slippery that. Then again if it is the government saying they tried to influence behaviour how is it that the really big number (200 000 cases per day) is not advanced by a member of the government ... the people in the room for the big number are the BBC (who the journalist works for) and Neil Ferguson who is an academic. So how exactly does the government get the big number in front of the public? We aren't told. Is it possible that the journalist knows that the BBC and Neil Ferguson were told to air the big number but chooses not to report this? This is one of the ways I find the MSM is dishonest/ incompetent: upon careful reading you realise the conclusion you drew from a casual reading is not supported by what is actually written.

Bbc quoted an unnamed “government source”.

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23 hours ago, top4718 said:

No, the MSM are telling you its young unvaccinated as thats the target audience for their propaganda, its an amazing virus this, didn't affect the young in any way for over a year until it became their turn to be injected with the poison, what a coincidence.


I can't believe that intelligent people can't see through this nonsense.

I don't know why you assume it's the MSM that's told me this.  As I said, that section wasn't a direct reply to you, the posts got merged by the forum, but hey ho.

Anyway, I know you don't believe MSM or peer reviewed scientific research, so I used anecdotal evidence of what is actually happening here in Sheffield.

I suppose that's all lies as well though, isn't it.


I can't believe people can be so wilfully obtuse and unable to understand there is more going on in the world than occurs within their own experience.

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Guest makapaka
2 hours ago, Carbuncle said:

True enough but the government source doesn't seem to be saying the 200 000 was put forward in the media because of government manipulation ... or does it.



it says “we knew we had to reign things in again”


presumably by telling everyone (via the media) we would be having nearly 1.5m cases of Covid per week.

Edited by makapaka
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1 hour ago, Becky B said:

I don't know why you assume it's the MSM that's told me this.  As I said, that section wasn't a direct reply to you, the posts got merged by the forum, but hey ho.

Anyway, I know you don't believe MSM or peer reviewed scientific research, so I used anecdotal evidence of what is actually happening here in Sheffield.

I suppose that's all lies as well though, isn't it.


I can't believe people can be so wilfully obtuse and unable to understand there is more going on in the world than occurs within their own experience.

I posted a thread earlier where I said that construction workers, supermarket workers, teachers and the hundreds of thousands of people who are protesting throughout the world have obviously not seen anything too concerning with regards to this made up virus, that's millions of people not just me, the death stats have been fraudulently raised by basically killing off people in care homes and using the "within 28 days of a positive test" nonsense, a total sham.

Israel the country who are foremost with the vaccines in the world are reporting waning efficacy with the clotshot, they're also contemplating bringing back restrictions despite having almost all their population jabbed.


Can I also add that anyone advocating this giving under 16's the jab without parental is an absolute disgrace and I want nothing at all to do with people of that persuasion, barbaric.

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Now our government want to start jabbing 16 year old children. 

I've tried to play nice but this is getting ridiculous now. 

If you are so scared you are eager to give your rights up for a prick and a promise then that's on you. You'll (hopefully) live to regret your choice. 

But to make kids have this poison is at best child neglect and at worse child abuse. If your child has a severe reaction from the experimental jab then simply put, THAT'S YOUR FAULT!! 








Edit. Prick meaning jab. Nothing else... 

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4 minutes ago, top4718 said:

I posted a thread earlier where I said that construction workers, supermarket workers, teachers and the hundreds of thousands of people who are protesting throughout the world have obviously not seen anything too concerning with regards to this made up virus, that's millions of people not just me, the death stats have been fraudulently raised by basically killing off people in care homes and using the "within 28 days of a positive test" nonsense, a total sham.

The "within 28 days of a positive test" was brought in by the Tories to limit the number of covid deaths being counted, not raise them.




"The U.K. changed how it calculates deaths from the pandemic following concerns that anyone who tested positive for Covid-19 in England who later passed away -- regardless of timing or circumstances -- was being recorded as a fatality caused by the virus.

Going forward, deaths across the U.K. will be attributed to the virus if they occur within 28 days of a positive test from a laboratory. That new methodology reduces the number of deaths to 41,329 from more than 46,700 previously"



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9 minutes ago, top4718 said:

I posted a thread earlier where I said that construction workers, supermarket workers, teachers and the hundreds of thousands of people who are protesting throughout the world have obviously not seen anything too concerning with regards to this made up virus, that's millions of people not just me, the death stats have been fraudulently raised by basically killing off people in care homes and using the "within 28 days of a positive test" nonsense, a total sham.

My bold. 

And don't forget. There are people on this very forum who are perfectly OK with the "Died within 28 days of a positive test" being used to bump up the numbers. 

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3 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold. 

And don't forget. There are people on this very forum who are perfectly OK with the "Died within 28 days of a positive test" being used to bump up the numbers. 

Apart from the fact it was brought in to reduce the numbers...............................................................................

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3 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

And don't forget. There are people on this very forum who are perfectly OK with the "Died within 28 days of a positive test" being used to bump up the numbers. 

If as you imply "died within 28 days of a positive test" massively exceeds deaths caused by covid how is it that the vaccines have massively reduced deaths within 28 days?

17 minutes ago, top4718 said:

I posted a thread earlier where I said that construction workers, supermarket workers, teachers and the hundreds of thousands of people who are protesting throughout the world have obviously not seen anything too concerning with regards to this made up virus, that's millions of people not just me, the death stats have been fraudulently raised by basically killing off people in care homes and using the "within 28 days of a positive test" nonsense, a total sham.

I am sorry I do not believe you know hundreds of thousands of people and since you confine yourself rigourously to matters falling within your direct experience I must therefore rule out the (alleged) views of these (alleged) people.

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