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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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4 minutes ago, Annie Bynnol said:

"...contributors who repeatedly tick enough boxes..." 

So you're not going to answer the question- fair enough, not going to waste my time pursuing it.


Problem is.......

1 hour ago, Annie Bynnol said:

I have not used the term 'anti-vaxxers' to describe anybody. 


Someone who questions, debates, explains, challenges etc., the use of vaccination does not make them a Conspiracy Theorist, in fact they are making a valuable contribution to the moral, ethical, medical and scientific issues.


But we do have contributors who repeatedly tick enough boxes showing that they have a blind allegiance to a Conspiracy Theory making them a Conspiracy Theorist.


First they chose a popular 'off the peg' Conspiracy Theory they can share with  others.

Then they do the research- copy the language, copy the sources use unverifyable anecdotes and sources.

They then 'tell you' not inform but 'tell you the truth' and assume any skill, knowledge, occupation, education etc. makes you biased.

When challenged they get upset and call you names or use mild insults.

They also flit quickly moving on to the next bit of evidence, then the next and the next, avoiding questions and refusing to engage at all.

Watch out for the congratulatory messages they send each other providing immoral support.

... fill in your own experiences here...

The endpoint is often a simple word or phrase like "brainwashed", "sheep", "gullible" etc.


Of course it is a complete waste of time talking to them but gone are the days of JFK, the Moon, Aliens etc. we are know dealing with actual harm to people and political manipulation.



all the points on your checklist are not exclusive to 'conspiracy theorists'


You yourself have just fulfilled one by refusing to answer a straight question with the straight answer [usernames] but instead gone into evasive mode. tick one


I've noticed throughout this thread how most of the extreme pro-lockdown supporters have repeatedly resorted to ad hominem attacks and insults. tick 2


"The endpoint is often a simple word or phrase like "brainwashed", "sheep", "gullible" etc"- or indeed, a simple phrase like 'conspiracy theorist'. tick 3


In reality your check list is little more than a checklist of human nature 




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9 minutes ago, onewheeldave said:

So you're not going to answer the question- fair enough, not going to waste my time pursuing it.


Problem is.......

all the points on your checklist are not exclusive to 'conspiracy theorists'


You yourself have just fulfilled one by refusing to answer a straight question with the straight answer [usernames] but instead gone into evasive mode. tick one


I've noticed throughout this thread how most of the extreme pro-lockdown supporters have repeatedly resorted to ad hominem attacks and insults. tick 2


"The endpoint is often a simple word or phrase like "brainwashed", "sheep", "gullible" etc"- or indeed, a simple phrase like 'conspiracy theorist'. tick 3


In reality your check list is little more than a checklist of human nature 


We may agree that susceptibility to Conspiracy Theories does not involve anything more than aspects of human nature.

It is not mythical or supernatural -just aspects of human nature exaggerated by stress.

There is a considerable amount of recent and current literature on the subject, most of it interesting, some of if fascinating and some of it surprising. A lot of it has been triggered by recent events and changes.

The reporting in mainstream media is pretty bad and the actual articles are behind the paywalls of Journals or in books but New Scientist and Nature(both UK) and Scientific American often provide 'long reads'. Even if it is a case of 'knowing your enemy' it is important to keep up to date.


Throughout my contribution to this thread I have used the terms 'Conspiracy Theory' and 'Conspiracy Theorist' unsparingly and sometimes in direct replies making it pretty obvious to anybody if I am using the terms generally or specifically in response to an individual.  It is all there.

Drawing up lists is something very dangerous in the digital age as there is no control over its distribution.

I think we should all -if requested consider removing  stuff.


As to my checklist ticks, I am very happy to appear on it so should anybody else, none of us are perfect but it's good to be able to admit it.






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I'd be interested to hear what the vax skeptics would think about this hypothetical question ......


Should you receive a cancer diagnosis and the prognosis is poor, would you be willing to take part in drug trials which could improve your chances of survival?


The reason I ask, I believe at least one of the coronavirus vaccines have been developed from current cancer treatments.

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3 hours ago, onewheeldave said:

And which posters on this thread do you consider to be conspiracy theorists.......?

I think a key marker of covid conspiracists is a belief in a very low infection fatality rate (IFR). For example: 99.9%+ survive, it's no worse than the flu, it's just the sniffles, ... I do not believe there is a reasonable argument for a very low IFR and the only way to sustain something like a 0.1% IFR is to invoke a grand conspiracy in which data sources Worldwide have been got at. @The_DADDY is clearly in this camp.


If somebody wants to argue there should never have been a (prolonged) lockdown and would like to have gone the Swedish route with a strong steer from government with a view to getting the public to voluntarily adopt strong NPIs without making them a legal requirement then they are probably not a conspiracy theorist.


If somebody argues there should never have been a lockdown on grounds of personal freedom and accepts this would have caused 300 000+ deaths in the first wave, swamped the NHS for a period of months, resulted in possibly horrendous levels of long covid, etc. then they are probably not a conspiracy theorist.


The main distinguishing feature of @top4718's views is his belief in the primacy of his own direct experience although he likes to dabble with a bit of conspiracy theory now and then and likes to cut-and-paste links to websites whose content he has not read and digested. According to my categorization where do you fit, @onewheeldave ?

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Rightwing radio host and anti-vaxxer dies of Covid



Dick Farrel was a vociferous critic of Dr Anthony Fauci and urged people not to get vaccinated


A rightwing TV and radio host who was a vociferous critic of Dr Anthony Fauci and who urged his listeners not to get vaccinated against Covid-19 has died after contracting the virus.


Dick Farrel, who had described Fauci as a “power-tripping lying freak” who conspired with “power trip libb loons”, had urged people not to get vaccinated as recently as June.


He reportedly changed his opinion about vaccines after falling ill and later being admitted to hospital before passing away on 4 August aged 65. “He texted me and told me to ‘Get it!’ He told me this virus is no joke and he said, “I wish I had gotten [the vaccine]!” close friend Amy Leigh Hair wrote.





Edited by The Joker
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1 hour ago, The Joker said:

Rightwing radio host and anti-vaxxer dies of Covid



Dick Farrel was a vociferous critic of Dr Anthony Fauci and urged people not to get vaccinated


A rightwing TV and radio host who was a vociferous critic of Dr Anthony Fauci and who urged his listeners not to get vaccinated against Covid-19 has died after contracting the virus.


Dick Farrel, who had described Fauci as a “power-tripping lying freak” who conspired with “power trip libb loons”, had urged people not to get vaccinated as recently as June.


He reportedly changed his opinion about vaccines after falling ill and later being admitted to hospital before passing away on 4 August aged 65. “He texted me and told me to ‘Get it!’ He told me this virus is no joke and he said, “I wish I had gotten [the vaccine]!” close friend Amy Leigh Hair wrote.





We'll be seeing plenty of these.

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22 hours ago, top4718 said:

Unfortunately the government and MSM have more resources, you only have to read the comments on here to see project fear has worked.


I've asked numerous people on here what their direct experiences of serious illness and death with covid and not one has answered, their whole ideology is based on what they are being told, that in itself is truly frightening.

I did answer, you just chose to ignore it...

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