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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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It works


That is certain. If it didn’t, there would be thousands dying daily, in the U.K., by now.


Only the very blinkered would be unable to see that.

Edited by sibon
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38 minutes ago, Carbuncle said:

Looks like it might be time for your nightly KitKat as you're making no sense.

You don't have the wit or intelligence for it to make sense as the dreadful attempts at humour earlier proved - I quoted Monty Pyton, the cults output was more Terry & June.

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7 hours ago, top4718 said:

I'm pretty sure people were not dropping dead in the streets after using Thalidomide for the four years or so I was marketed as a suppressor of morning sickness, its actual effects were probably far worse.

Do you know why thalidomide caused so much damage? Do you understand about molecular chirality, for example?


Can you run us through the clinical trials, the establishment of long term safety and all the other stuff you spout about?

Thalidomide is still being used now, safely, in case you didn’t know. It is a highly effective drug, used to treat some dreadful conditions. A force for good if you like.


By the way, that was over 60 years ago. We’ve been to the moon since then, Kennedy has been shot, the world trade centre has been blown up by terrorists and the great reset has started.


Do check under your bed before getting in. 




*Sits and waits for a story about a taxi driver who met a nurse who treated a man with an anal fissure three weeks after his vaccine.*

Edited by sibon
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16 to 17 year old to be offered their first jab by 23 August. Great! 



Add the to this the fact that the vaccine hesitancy rate of those in the younger age groups, (the 18 to 30 age group), continues to fall as they register for their first jabs, no doubt spurred on by the end of September deadline to be fully vaccinated to get into nightclubs & to show the relevant documentation, a Covid passport in other words. Great! 


We currently have around 76% of the population fully vaccinated, so by the end of September we'll probably be looking at 85%+ with 90% having had at least one jab? Great. 


Why "Great"?  Well at that point, if the Govt is going to insist on Covid passports for people wanting to get into nightclubs, no doubt it will of course legitislate to apply it to the rest of society, (no discriminating against the young), as the vast majority of us will have our little Covid cards showing the date & vaccine batch numbers of our 2 jabs, (some of us will probably have had a third booster jab by then as well), or the relevant info on our smart phones. This way our society as large mass gatherings et al require proof of a Covid passport. 


Looking forward to being able just to breeze into pubs, clubs, cinemas, the theatre, shops, sports events, large mass gatherings, with proof of my Covid jabs, safe in the knowledge I'll be with similar like minded, responsible members of society & the chances of catching even a mild dose, will have been minimised.  It will even allow the clinically vulnerable or those who can't, for GENUINE MEDICAL REASONS, to possibly engage with the vast majority, safe in the knowledge that our threat to them is diminished. 


But what about those, the tiny minority of perfectly medically fit adults who have been offered the offered the vaccine for months but who refuse the vaccine & so won't have any Covid passport documentation?  Well personally, I say 'What about them? Why should I care? 


They could of course get together & form their own support group. Mind you, it'll have to be online or round the house of one of the other vaccine deniers.  Hiring any venues will be a no, no of course. Not without a Covid passport! 

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