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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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5 hours ago, Anna B said:

I'm afraid nature will be making a lot of the decisions, winnowing out the weak and elderly (of which I'm one.) Harsh but a fact of life.

Buy in resources etc if you can afford them, it's always the way that the richer you are the better chance you have of surviving almost any situation. Glad you can afford it, but trust me most will not be able to. You are playing their game, which has been intended all along.


Yes the NHS is collapsing before our eyes thanks to 40 years of Neoliberalism and privatisation, now rife in the NHS. The outsourced private companies, of which there are many delivering care to the NHS, will continue to put their prices up every year, as do privatised care homes to ridiculous levels, because  the NHS is seen as a cash cow. But funding will not increase in line with prices, so the NHS/government will be unable to afford their services and it will continue to go down hill fast at the expense of the general public. It's already happening and the government who brought us to this point haven't a clue what to do about it, hence no word on Boris's 'oven ready plan' to fix social care. Social care will be the least of our problems.


I wonder how long they will try to blame Covid for the NHS decline  which has been in motion for years?



Your attack on the NHS is what I have come to expect from the new right.

The NHS the new right want is there to benefit a vociferous minority- it is supposed used to be there for all of us.

The NHS the new right want is only there to benefit the majority-it is supposed to be for all of us.

The NHS the new right wants selects the poor the voiceless for second rate treatment and encourages  " winnowing out the weak and elderly". 

Are you and your new right committee going to be selecting people for death, long term illnesses and suffering ?

Are you and your new right committee going to be telling doctors and health professionals not to treat otherwise healthy people?


Will you look into someone's eye and tell them that they are barred from NHS help because they are "...weak and elderly."

Will you choose between helping a terminal cancer patient over a survivable Covid sufferer?

Will you remove the right to NHS treatment because their DNA indicates less chance of survival.


How do you get to decide who is worth treating?

Well you don't, nowhere in the NHS 'handbook' does it say that some  groups need ..." winnowing out"



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9 hours ago, top4718 said:

Hooray you've mentioned conspiracy theorists again, must be some kind of record.

Tell me where the blue style masks are worn in wards where a virus is prevalent?


The only people who are pathetic are the ones swallowing this nonsense without questioning it.

My bold.

Covid cohort wards at the Northern General (during the height of all the lockdowns).


Though I do agree with you  (to an extent) on the mask issue.  They've changed the guidance now - smacks of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted...


The blue surgical masks are used in operating theatres.  There is a degree of protection in terms of reducing spread of particle exhalation.

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51 minutes ago, Becky B said:

My bold.

Covid cohort wards at the Northern General (during the height of all the lockdowns).


Though I do agree with you  (to an extent) on the mask issue.  They've changed the guidance now - smacks of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted...


The blue surgical masks are used in operating theatres.  There is a degree of protection in terms of reducing spread of particle exhalation.

They're used in operating theatres to prevent water droplets not air transmitted viruses, there's been no significant rise in hospitalisations since face coverings (yes you can use virtually anything) stopped being mandatory.

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