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Coronavirus - Part Two.

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16 hours ago, Annie Bynnol said:

Your attack on the NHS is what I have come to expect from the new right.

The NHS the new right want is there to benefit a vociferous minority- it is supposed used to be there for all of us.

The NHS the new right want is only there to benefit the majority-it is supposed to be for all of us.

The NHS the new right wants selects the poor the voiceless for second rate treatment and encourages  " winnowing out the weak and elderly". 

Are you and your new right committee going to be selecting people for death, long term illnesses and suffering ?

Are you and your new right committee going to be telling doctors and health professionals not to treat otherwise healthy people?


Will you look into someone's eye and tell them that they are barred from NHS help because they are "...weak and elderly."

Will you choose between helping a terminal cancer patient over a survivable Covid sufferer?

Will you remove the right to NHS treatment because their DNA indicates less chance of survival.


How do you get to decide who is worth treating?

Well you don't, nowhere in the NHS 'handbook' does it say that some  groups need ..." winnowing out"



Wow! I've gone from far left to new right in a single day!


As most people on here will know I am centre left, and a fierce defender of the NHS idea of treatment free at the point of use for all. But I hate to tell you this, Many of the things you mention above are actually happening right now in the NHS after 12 years of Tory cuts and Tory led NHS privatisation. In fact the decline has been going on ever since Margaret Thatcher.


I am heavily engaged in the NHS system and have been for the past 4 years with myself and 2 relatives all being admitted for lengthy periods for treatment. One still is.  plus I have  a severely disabled relative living in a care home. And it has been a battle all the way. Do you really think doctors don't make those sort of decisions every day? The NHS is on its knees. That has to change, and not to widespread and expensive privatisation but a better NHS.  That is what I am fighting for. 


IMO NHS Emergency treatment is second to none, but general treatment and treatment of the elderly leaves much to be desired. I won't go into details on a public forum you'll just  have to trust me when I say that our 'wonderful' NHS in these areas is currently anything but. I am not blaming the many people who work there, they are dedicated and hardworking, but the systems in place make it difficult, plodding and incredibly slow to get anything done. That costs money which is wasted and is detrimental to the patients. 


I think a new thread is needed for this discussion as it really isn't related to covid and has been going on for a long time.

I'll do it later, as I'm now off to the Northern General to visit said patient.


Meanwhile, do some homework. Investigate how many people, (mostly elderly) starve to death in NHS hospitals

Edited by Anna B
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On 27/08/2021 at 23:27, Longcol said:

Yep - hospitalisations as a percentage of infections have gone down significantly.

That happened once the vulnerable were vaccinated, the rest wasn't needed.


Cases are on the rise in Scotland where face coverings are mandatory, they don't work.


Can I ask all the smug humour vacuums on here who've been proudly boasting they are fully vaccinated for weeks on end if they are planning on getting the second booster and if yes why?

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7 hours ago, top4718 said:

That happened once the vulnerable were vaccinated, the rest wasn't needed.


Cases are on the rise in Scotland where face coverings are mandatory, they don't work.


Can I ask all the smug humour vacuums on here who've been proudly boasting they are fully vaccinated for weeks on end if they are planning on getting the second booster and if yes why?

Given your propensity to offer other people’s medical details to strangers, I’d be surprised if anyone would trust you with confidential medical information.


Are you still hawking the “anal fissure” guy’s phone number around, to prove some point or other?

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There are very few people of  my age that aren’t on some form of medication, the Methotrexate that I inject weekly plays havoc with my immune system. This leaves me very vulnerable to anything that’s going around, the COVID-19 vaccinations are a must for folk like me, so far the worst has been an attack of psoriasis.

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2 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Sadly it often needs a death to make a point.


BBC News - Staffordshire Covid sceptic Marcus Birks dies in hospital



Typical BBC lies and propaganda. 

Seriously, does anyone even take them seriously these days? 


Funny story. I went to an event recently. A couple of days after returning I started feeling quite ill. 

I had a temperature, aches, pains, runny nose, sneezes, coughing, the whole nine yards. Almost a week later I'm starting to feel a bit better. Of course I was bombarded with messages from the event saying there had been a Convid outbreak and I must test myself, my kids, my hamster blah blah blah. 

All that fuss for a bad dose of the flu 🙄

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18 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:


Typical BBC lies and propaganda. 

Seriously, does anyone even take them seriously these days? 


Funny story. I went to an event recently. A couple of days after returning I started feeling quite ill. 

I had a temperature, aches, pains, runny nose, sneezes, coughing, the whole nine yards. Almost a week later I'm starting to feel a bit better. Of course I was bombarded with messages from the event saying there had been a Convid outbreak and I must test myself, my kids, my hamster blah blah blah. 

All that fuss for a bad dose of the flu 🙄

It's all over the press, not just the beeb, including papers that usually slag the beeb off -


The Sun



The Mail





When was this "bad dose of flu" BTW;

Don't think you've missed a day posting on SF since April - last two times I've had flu (only  times in my adult life) - as oppossed to a heavy cold - I've been as weak as a kitten for a couple of days. All on to crawl to the toilet never mind post on SF.






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