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Paypal Scam.

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Help, looks like I've been scammed. I noticed two payments on my bank statement (that had happened via PAYPAL) that I didn't know who they were or what for. Two payments of £65.49 against 2 separate foreign names. PANIC!!! I set up a resolution with PayPal but they told me they were authorised transactions so they couldn't do anything about, CASE CLOSED.


Anyway rung my bank to tell them I'd noticed unusual activity and they cancelled my card and will issue me with another one. They then put me through to fraud department (Yorkshire Bank).


After explaining what had happened, they informed me it was my fault it had happened because the payments had been taken via direct debit so I must have authorised it. (I honestly didn't have any knowledge of these transactions or the names, the names being SImona Neila  and Laima  Solvita. They wouldn't budge! It's my fault, tough!


Decided to go to my local branch where I again explained my predicament and they said the same as what fraud department did. Except she thought I might have had an email from PayPal and I'd pressed something (yes of course that's possible).


anyway they've told me I've been scammed, they (Yorkshire Bank aren't interested in helping me), report it to police. To be honest, I've been really ill for last 6 weeks and this is doing me no good. The thought of "making a case to take to the police" is daunting and I can't bear the thought of that. It would tip me over the edge.


Anyway, my question is am I being unfaiR expecting my bank to try and help me, I've been a customer for over 40 years 😢😢


Thankyou in advance

Edited by nikki-red
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Hi Chocki


I don't understand how a Paypal transaction can be a direct debit!  A direct debit is set up with your bank and not through Paypal, which is surely used for single transactions.  The only time anyone tried to scam my bank account the bank (Co-op) picked it up before me and contacted me.  They sorted it without costing me a penny.  I also thought banks covered fraud like yours anyway; you should get your funds reimbursed.  If you get no joy from your bank I should contact the police and the Financial Services Authority. 

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Yes you can have automatic payments set up on paypal.


To check them-


Log into your papal account-

Click on the "cog" symbol at the top right next to the "bell" icon-

Then click on "payments" on the second bar/line down from the top-

There is a "manage your automatic payments" option that has "view" at the side of it-

Click on "view" and it will show you any automatic payments that have been set up.


From there you can cancel them if there are any.


Hope this helps. I would change your password too.

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27 minutes ago, AKAMD said:

Hi Chocki


I don't understand how a Paypal transaction can be a direct debit!  A direct debit is set up with your bank and not through Paypal, which is surely used for single transactions.  The only time anyone tried to scam my bank account the bank (Co-op) picked it up before me and contacted me.  They sorted it without costing me a penny.  I also thought banks covered fraud like yours anyway; you should get your funds reimbursed.  If you get no joy from your bank I should contact the police and the Financial Services Authority. 

paypal uses a direct debit to move money between your bank account and your paypal account.

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Surely Yorkshire bank need to reimburse you for these fraudulent transactions. I would have thought that YB need to prove that you authorised the trasactions. It sounds like 'buck passing'  between PP & YB. 


I would insist that YB investigate it. If they refuse,  ask them if this is their final response. If they confirm it is, you can go straight to the banking ombudsman without waiting the statutory 8 wk period.


Chocki-Once you contact the ombudsman these guys will do all the spade work.




Edited by Janus
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Much good will this do you I suspect, but the first thing that struck me about the payment names was Simona Neila - Neil Simon? - and after a bit of searching, it turns out that Laimnesis (or Laimonis, from the god Laima) Solvita links to a New Year's Day celebration in Latvia.

Clues for you, maybe?!




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to prevent scams like the i have linked my PayPal account to a credit card that I ONLYuse for PayPal AND have reduced the max amount on the credit card  so that no more than a certain amount can be taken.

Even so there is sometimes a  long time from a purchase and  the bill that I have forgotten what I had bought.

Throwing me into a panic that I had been scammed!!!

The relief on remembering!!

Edited by davyboy
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12 minutes ago, RiffRaff said:

Much good will this do you I suspect, but the first thing that struck me about the payment names was Simona Neila - Neil Simon? - and after a bit of searching, it turns out that Laimnesis (or Laimonis, from the god Laima) Solvita links to a New Year's Day celebration in Latvia.

Clues for you, maybe?!




Cast iron, extremely tenuous detective work there RR!


First flight out to Riga and find that Simona Neila in the local telephone directory!

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