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Black Deposit In Tap.

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The cold water tap in the bathroom keeps getting a  black

deposit attached on the inside. If you wipe it off, it gradually

reappears. Some sort of chemical in the water? Anyone else

had this or is it just us?

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Ask a local  plumber in your area as "black deposits" are a common problem in areas with a  high manganese content in the local limestone. Sheffield water is way below the threshold. Some areas with bore hole supply and/or in the east of the county might 

also see higher levels.


There is a black algae that can form, which is a domestic problem and easily remove with regular application around the tap  of dilute  bleach and rinsing thoroughly before any cats, kids, dogs or people drink from it. 

Always disconnect the "temporary" link which connects the cold water supply and the central heating top up valve.






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On 18/07/2020 at 14:20, mikeG said:

The cold water tap in the bathroom keeps getting a  black

deposit attached on the inside. If you wipe it off, it gradually

reappears. Some sort of chemical in the water? Anyone else

had this or is it just us?

What area are you in ?

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