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On 06/06/2023 at 19:27, busdriver1 said:

The natural flow is away from cash (apart from a few dinosaurs) so I really dont think its worth getting to bothered about. 

It's not natural and it's not flowing so well anymore. People are making a stand against this rubbish. There was a nice queue in Tesco the other day, all of us waiting to pay cash, despite the young man working there repeatedly asking if anyone is paying with card, we all shook our heads.


More and more businesses are erecting signs asking for cash payments only. The "cost of living crisis" has also seen people who previously used card only revert back to using cash. 


A cashless society is worth getting bothered about, as it's a very bad thing and dangerous for our livelihoods. There are the issues on the surface, such as no more tooth fairy treats, no more tipping for great service, no more children's piggy banks, no more children learning to count with money & digital dependency and there are issues currently below the surface that will rise up if everyone were to take the same attitude as you. The social credit system in China relies on electronic payments, a cashless society would enable that to happen here. You think the CAZ tosh is bad? That's just the beginning. They want us traced, controlled and at their mercy - don't follow status quo = you can't buy your shopping. The nanny state would ensure to dictating what we buy, when we buy it and where. It's a very dangerous road to go down. 

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33 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

It's not natural and it's not flowing so well anymore. People are making a stand against this rubbish. There was a nice queue in Tesco the other day, all of us waiting to pay cash, despite the young man working there repeatedly asking if anyone is paying with card, we all shook our heads.


More and more businesses are erecting signs asking for cash payments only. The "cost of living crisis" has also seen people who previously used card only revert back to using cash. 


A cashless society is worth getting bothered about, as it's a very bad thing and dangerous for our livelihoods. There are the issues on the surface, such as no more tooth fairy treats, no more tipping for great service, no more children's piggy banks, no more children learning to count with money & digital dependency and there are issues currently below the surface that will rise up if everyone were to take the same attitude as you. The social credit system in China relies on electronic payments, a cashless society would enable that to happen here. You think the CAZ tosh is bad? That's just the beginning. They want us traced, controlled and at their mercy - don't follow status quo = you can't buy your shopping. The nanny state would ensure to dictating what we buy, when we buy it and where. It's a very dangerous road to go down. 



If you actually bothered to properly understand the social credit system in China, you'd realise it is sod all comparison with electronic payments.


Waaaa. Won't somebody think of the children!!!  Well thankfully, the next generation are much more sophisticated. Children these days are understanding the basics of working an iPad while they are still toddlers. They are possessing mobile phones before they reach the age of 10 and by the time they hit mainstream schooling, there will be very familiar and daily using computerised equipment which is vital for their future development in the modern world and even more for any sort of working life.


Most children who are capable of understanding the basics of money will be equally capable of understanding the basics of electronic payments In fact, many of them already have it. They don't need piggy banks and counting coins because they can get just as much satisfaction from watching their prepaid debit card balances grow or being presented with a nice little gift credit for their favourite online store or web app or gaming app. Some of us have moved on from the days of the tooth fairy and magic pixies leaving  golden nuggets under their pillow.


As for your wails about tipping, Please do drag yourself into the 20th century. The functions to enable electronic gratuities have been around for more than a decade.  For at least 30 years before that people were able to write a tip in on the receipt when making credit card payments.   Many places simply add it to a bill or give option for X percentage to be added on delivery charges or waiters or bartenders and even salons.  Goodness sake, even the Sally Army collectors and street buskers carry card machines with them these days.


You think what you like - but you deluded. The only people 'bothered' and 'taking a stand' are dinosaurs just like yourself. Tin foil hat brigade paranoid weirdos filled with distrust that the  government is constantly watching them, monitoring or even giving a flying toss about that twice a week visit to Sainsbury's or that one gives 10% extra to the barber.


Honestly, the ego. Get over yourself – your life really isn't that interesting for someone to be constantly watching you 24/7. 

Edited by ECCOnoob
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29 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:


An infinitesimally small number of businesses are erecting signs asking for cash payments only.  

I've made it more truthful - hope you don't mind

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Guest busdriver1
31 minutes ago, Irene Swaine said:

More and more businesses are erecting signs asking for cash payments only. The "cost of living crisis" has also seen people who previously used card only revert back to using cash. 

To be brutally honest, if the 1-2% charge is such an issue to these businesses they should just close down now, their business is clearly not viable.

My business diploma (free from Kellogg's) told me all about that.

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You think what you like - but you deluded. The only people 'bothered' and 'taking a stand' are dinosaurs just like yourself. Tin foil hat brigade paranoid weirdos


Honestly, the ego. Get over yourself – your life really isn't that interesting for someone to be constantly watching you 24/7. 

a phrase that immediately undermines your viewpoint.




you can live quite happily without a smartphone (in this country), long may it continue.

Edited by fools
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1 hour ago, fools said:

a phrase that immediately undermines your viewpoint.




you can live quite happily without a smartphone (in this country), long may it continue.

You can if you want to live completely inconvenienced, backward and detached from the rest of the progressive world.  


Its nothing to be proud of.

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Just now, ECCOnoob said:

You can if you want to live completely inconvenienced, backward and detached from the rest of the progressive world.  


Its nothing to be proud of.

you should be more questioning of the value of a tech addiction

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31 minutes ago, fools said:

you should be more questioning of the value of a tech addiction

It's not 'tech addiction'. It's called progress, innovation and advancement.


Something during your life you will have reaped the benefit from. Unless you're going to tell me you are still scrubbing clothes in the river once a week, foraging your food and getting around on horse and carts - don't give me such crap.


We are not talking about addiction or the virtues of human attachment or obsessive behaviours which can happen no matter what gets invented.  We are talking about basic changes in society which have been around for several decades now.  Things constantly progress and there are no prizes for being a backwards thinking moron who deliberately refuses to keep up with changes.


Electric replaced the candles and gaslamps. The horses were replaced by the combustion engine and now electric traction. The word processor  replaced the days of the typewriter and ledger scribes.  The telephone replaced telegrams. Computers and the internet have replaced the filing cabinets. Email has replaced millions of letters every day.  Banking has moved on from passbooks and cheques to plastic cards to now contactless and digital transactions.


Even back in the 1940s and 50s the vast majority of transactions were cashless. The only difference is they were done by paper trail cheque or bank draft or orders or credit agreement.  Do you want to go back to those days of getting your wage in a little brown envelope, having to queue to put it in the bank, having to go around all the vendors to pay your bills or sit there at home writing dozens and dozens of cheques out each and every month.....   Do you want to go back to those days of having to faff around each week making sure you got enough change for the bus driver or having to queue up at the train station to get your tickets from the ticket office carrying about bits of paper when it can be can all be done at the swipe of a phone or a plastic card.... I certainly don't


Like I said,  paranoid weirdos all thinking that this 'new fangled' technology is going to bring and end to the world. Hysterics have always been screaming the same thing since year dot. 


Edited by ECCOnoob
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15 minutes ago, ECCOnoob said:

no prizes for being a backwards thinking moron who deliberately refuses to keep up with changes.


Like I said,  paranoid weirdos all thinking that this 'new fangled' technology is going to bring and end to the world. Hysterics have always been screaming the same thing since year dot. 


what a lovely turn of phrase you have.


keep stroking that screen.


Intelligent people question - watch the gadget show, a constant stream of pointless tat that makes life more complicated..

Edited by fools
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