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South Yorkshire Bus Service Needs Improvement

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On 18/08/2020 at 18:58, 1295galaxy said:

We want are Bus Service Improved Quicky,because you can never get to the place you want on time,because of the attitude towards bus passengers by the bus drivers,you want to get some where and you catch a bus on time,then all of a sudden the driver pulls into a stop for a cigarette or a rest then your way behind the time,but if the bus driver knew someone on the bus he would definetly not stop  like they do,it just shows the people in charge are not checking up on these drivers correctly,and the Roads in Sheffield full of cars because of there is not Trust at All in or Bus Service at All,we never had this before so why do these Drivers getting away with it to often,just had this today,driver  stops outside the Crucible for 6 minutes then gets to Queens Road and then stops for another 6 minutes,just wish  they realise people want to get home

Saw a report on Calendar tonight about extra buses being put on for when the school children return to school next month to aid social distancing due to increased numbers. 


Now if the bus companies here in Sheffield adopt the London idea, it won't be a moan about them waiting at their timing points, you'd better leave your house a bit earlier to give yourself plenty of time for your journey, as you possibly won't be allowed on a bus being an adult at rush hour? 



"Commuters will be banned from boarding every other bus on some busy rush-hour routes in the capital in order to give schoolchildren priority.

Edited by Baron99
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All I can say is think yourselves lucky that you have a bus service at all!  Many rural areas have lost their bus services over recent years due to central government cutting subsidies and greedy bus operators wanting only routes that show them a profit.  It is high time Mayor Dan Jarvis fulfilled his election promise and brought public transport back under public control, then we would have a transport system to meet the needs of the people and not just the service providers!  Of course this doesn't reflect on bus drivers, just their employers.

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3 hours ago, 1295galaxy said:

They have cctv on the passengers but why can"t the drivers be checked using it,they would not like it,and would any Driver stop at bus stops if there friend or someone they knew was on the Bus,i Bet they never would,buses never use to be like this and its go so bad,that there that many people with cars on the road in Sheffield,and its the Bus Companies fault,for not being Reliable

Check for what? There is a camera in the cab area to check for any wrong doing. 

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Guest busdriver1
11 hours ago, AKAMD said:

All I can say is think yourselves lucky that you have a bus service at all!  Many rural areas have lost their bus services over recent years due to central government cutting subsidies and greedy bus operators wanting only routes that show them a profit.  It is high time Mayor Dan Jarvis fulfilled his election promise and brought public transport back under public control, then we would have a transport system to meet the needs of the people and not just the service providers!  Of course this doesn't reflect on bus drivers, just their employers.

It has obviously escaped your full attention that under current legislation it is ILLEGAL for a bus company to operate a service that does not cover its costs for other than a trial period after introduction. Non viable services are supposed to be provided by the local authority under tender to the best tendering company. You know, the same one that has consistently failed to do so and now wants to take ALL the bus services over. As for his idea of a London Style tendering system, look out for approximately 600% increase in your council tax to fund it. Pie in the Sky vote attracting bull lacking only on the ability finance and power to complete but hey, he won your vote.

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13 hours ago, AKAMD said:

All I can say is think yourselves lucky that you have a bus service at all!  Many rural areas have lost their bus services over recent years due to central government cutting subsidies and greedy bus operators wanting only routes that show them a profit.  It is high time Mayor Dan Jarvis fulfilled his election promise and brought public transport back under public control, then we would have a transport system to meet the needs of the people and not just the service providers!  Of course this doesn't reflect on bus drivers, just their employers.

In June a report on the buses was published which was highly critical of the leadership and took into account the covid 19 and it made a clear set of recommendations   https://sheffieldcityregion.org.uk/busreviewreport/


Some of these recommendations were to be achieved in the 3 months following publication including "the appointment of a regional leader who can promote buses and maintain their importance on regional political agendas" I wonder how many of these 7 recommendations will have been implemented in a months time 

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Guest busdriver1
1 hour ago, Bigal1 said:

In June a report on the buses was published which was highly critical of the leadership and took into account the covid 19 and it made a clear set of recommendations   https://sheffieldcityregion.org.uk/busreviewreport/


Some of these recommendations were to be achieved in the 3 months following publication including "the appointment of a regional leader who can promote buses and maintain their importance on regional political agendas" I wonder how many of these 7 recommendations will have been implemented in a months time 

When the costings are looked at probably none. Vote farming only.

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31 minutes ago, Bigal1 said:

the usual course of action is to commission a new review

Which knowing Dan Jarvis would require a paid committee of which he'd chair, gleaning a handsome salary from the taxpayer's pocket. 

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Busdriver1, The legal requirement to cover costs of a bus service is relevant as what bus companies do is to manipulate the routes and timetables to ensure that routes they don't want to cover become loss making, despite subsidies.  For example, the bus through here at Dunford Bridge used to run between Barnsley and Holmfirth (Stagecoach).  It was a profitable route between Barnsley and Penistone (mostly urban area) but profits dropped between Penistone and Holmfirth (rural area).  To maximize their profits Stagecoach split the route into two services, one between Barnsley and Penistone and another between Penistone and Holmfirth.  The former made a huge profit and the latter an unsustainable loss, which led to a reduction in the service, which led to less people using it, which led to further cuts to the service, and so on until the route is lost and all the people living in the isolated villages and hamlets are abandoned to total isolation.  But Hey Ho the bus companies have made their profits, that's all that matters isn't it?????

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