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South Yorkshire Bus Service Needs Improvement

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1 hour ago, Baron99 said:

Explain further?  How are Sheffield's buses comparable to those of third world countries some 40 years ago? 

Next time you're on one, instead of zoning out or staring at a phone, take a moment to analyze the full experience - it's quite often more unpleasant than 40 years ago.

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Just now, fools said:

Next time you're on one, instead of zoning out or staring at a phone, take a moment to analyze the full experience - it's quite often more unpleasant than 40 years ago.

I'm on one on a regular basis, and frankly can't agree with you - although I accept South Yorkshire as a whole usually doesn't get many brand-new buses. There is a reason for that, though - it is a loss-making region for all operators.

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2 minutes ago, fools said:

Maybe you zone out to avoid the discomfort. I'm not talking about the age of the bus, the brand new ones are horrible too.

What discomfort? - although some of the seating can be a bit hard, you are usually not on them for that long.

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55 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

Right so you start by saying its worse that third world countries and then continue your ill informed rant by comparing them to Germany and Belgium, neither of which are third world countries.


Got any true stories?

Of coarse.


A large group of people is waiting for a bus and the bus comes. It is long 2 sections horizontal attached like a tram and has 3 set of wide doors that open. People get out/in quickly using all 3 wide doors while scanning their public transport pass there. The seats are clean comfortable modern and well maintained. The bus pulls up quickly and smoothly without making any noise or rattling or shaking.


A large group is waiting for a bus at meadowhall or city centre. The bus comes and the small thin door opens. First people have to all get out. Then people start to push to get in one by one. They can have a long discussion each with the driver about where they go and what sort of ticket to buy and count their change or they have a pass they can scan in front of the driver. It could happen a seat is all patched up but they are usually okay and they are relatively hard and have an old fashioned feel to them.  

The driver gets out and has a fag, after few minutes he gets in and the bus starts rattling noisy taking off relatively slowly.


Personally I do not care as long as I get to where I want to be going. Do not prefer one over the other its just a different experience. 

If your egoistic feelings are hurt there is nothing I can do for you, relax and enjoy the ride.

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@dutch- Try getting an articulated bus round many of the routes in SY - or other areas, come to that - and you will fail. The condition of the seats and interiors is down to some of the morons who delight in spoiling the interiors and adding to the operators costs - hence few, if any new vehicles being used.


The loading times can be vastly improved - but only if the passengers use their brains and be ready with cards/cash before they board, but that seems beyond the capabilities of many in this region. I certainly don't see it in other areas on my trips around the UK.

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It's like being on a fairground ride - drivers rushing to their next stop, bouncing over speed humps, so they can play with their phone a bit longer. (I know it's probably a mind-numbingly boring job)


Unpleasant cool white led lighting, burning into your retina


CCTV monitors staring at you like an unwanted intruder.


Aggressive "You are being recorded" signs


The announcements about the next stop (obviously this is useful if you don't know where you're going, but for most people it's gonna get wearing very quickly)


The frequent smell of vomit and pot.


Routes with sharp turns, just there to differentiate your route slightly from a competitor.


The cans of half empty booze rolling backwards and forwards into your feet


The floor strewn with tickets, newspapers, sweet wrappers


The grey windows, so dirty it's bordering on impossible to see where you are at night


On a warm day, the heat


On a cold day, the lack of heat, the drivers leaving the doors open at every stop to make sure you freeze a little bit more


I've sat on a single decker a few times, mid-winter, no heating in the customer cabin at all, it's was colder on the bus than out.


The boarding/about to get off experience where you are left grabbing onto every piece of metal to stop you being flung into the windscreen by a driver who doesn't know how to brake smoothly.


The long wait at every stop, as the driver tries to search in vain for an obscure saver ticket


The horrible flat thin seats.


The wait at every traffic light (set to red at 11pm at night) pointlessly by the powers that be controlling the road network.


Compared to a modern coach, it's a horrible experience.





Edited by fools
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18 minutes ago, HeHasRisen said:

So just like almost every other bus in an urban area then.

This is exactly why it can look like like a third world country with separated class systems. Have never seen this happen in other developed countries where I have travelled except USA.

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