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South Yorkshire Bus Service Needs Improvement

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On 18/08/2020 at 18:58, 1295galaxy said:

We want are Bus Service Improved Quicky,because you can never get to the place you want on time,because of the attitude towards bus passengers by the bus drivers,you want to get some where and you catch a bus on time,then all of a sudden the driver pulls into a stop for a cigarette or a rest then your way behind the time,but if the bus driver knew someone on the bus he would definetly not stop  like they do,it just shows the people in charge are not checking up on these drivers correctly,and the Roads in Sheffield full of cars because of there is not Trust at All in or Bus Service at All,we never had this before so why do these Drivers getting away with it to often,just had this today,driver  stops outside the Crucible for 6 minutes then gets to Queens Road and then stops for another 6 minutes,just wish  they realise people want to get home

I'm guessing you are talking about the 25. This has a lot of extra journey time in the schedule to allow for the terrible traffic congestion that often happens on the route and the lack of full time bus lanes, this is why it is one of the most reliable and punctual services in the City. However at the times traffic isn't too bad the bus gets to the stops in the timetable early and has to wait until the advertised time so passengers don't miss it.


If the council provided better infrastructure with all day bus priority measures the timetable probably could be sped up, but until that day comes then doing so would make the service incredibly unreliable.


If you want to track buses and see if they are on time, this website is always useful https://bustimes.org/districts/263

Edited by Andy C
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45 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

You don't understand how forum threads work. Trams are a related issue and quite ironic given the current problems with bus services. The last time I checked, you are not a moderator on here, so if you don't like what is up for discussion, I suggest you ignore this  thread.  I have worked in the transport industry and I also have a Business Diploma. I know exactly what I am talking about. Unlike you who thought the 52A stops at Arundel Gate Mini Interchange. 😂

I understand , apparently better than you, how forum threads work, and if you had been on SF as long as I have, you would know, under the previous owner/mod team, that you would have been strongly advised to remain on topic. If you want to discuss the tram service, I respectfully suggest you start a topic/thread on that subject - but am expecting a smart-alec response to that suggestion.


I am not a mod on here - there is only one, employed by the owners - but I am a member, so have the right to follow/post on whichever I choose, but I try to stay on topic. You may have 'worked in the transport industry', but have never disclosed in what capacity, so your knowledge could be very limited. Having a Business Diploma proves you could pass the exam - nothing more.


I admitted I was wrong re the 52a city centre timing point, but the fact it stops - what -100m further along the route past AGI is irrelevant, it still travels along said road.

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5 hours ago, LovePotion said:

There are certain things that cannot be disclosed, as they are comercially sensitive data. I wish the public purse was better used on things that the public wants/needs.


5 hours ago, LovePotion said:


Feel free to submit a Freedom Of Information request. I doubt details such as the cost of training staff to work on the mainline and union agreements will be wilfully disclosed though.

Didn't need to submit a FOI. One quick Google search found it, including several reports on costings. Try it for yourself. Only too 10 seconds

5 hours ago, LovePotion said:

Uninformed? I have a Business Diploma. Any decision to keep the tram train would be a foolish one. I think you are talking tosh. The thread is about buses, buses which are being scaled back and withdrawn all together while the public purse is subsidising a frequent service to a run down retail park.



10 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

Indeed you are not. So stop acting like one.

Where has he done so? 

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2 hours ago, LovePotion said:

Indeed you are not. So stop acting like one.

Stop acting like you know more than you do then - although I wouldn't inflict you on them, I'd love to see how long you'd last on a transport forum  run by people who do know the industry - because they've worked in it longer than you've been alive - if we can believe anything you've posted.

1 hour ago, LovePotion said:

I'd say the Lecturers at Sheffield College would disagree with you.


If you actually read the thread instead of cherry picking my posts, you'd know.

Newspapers are not renowned for their accuracy when it comes to facts.

I doubt those details would come from newspaper reports, but I'm sure @Residentwill advise if they did. 😂

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11 minutes ago, LovePotion said:

Why would anything I post be un-true? I stand nothing to gain from lying, I don't get paid for posting on here you know. You are making cheap attempts to discredit what I say.

I don't know - do you? No, I am not 'making cheap attempts to discredit what you say', just trying to work out why you think you know more than someone who does work in the PSV industry, and someone who has been interested in and following  it through trade sources for 40+ years.

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@LovePotionI do read your posts - hence the deconstruction of them, but they are usually nothing to do with the previous posts/edited posts you reply to yourself. If you actually attempted to give intelligent replies, rather than your diversionary ones, we may start to take you seriously.

Anyway, you now have all day to post your next load of nothing, I'm off to enjoy myself.

Edited by RollingJ
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15 hours ago, LovePotion said:

I'd say the Lecturers at Sheffield College would disagree with you.


Newspapers are not renowned for their accuracy when it comes to facts.

Sheffield College. My point stands. 


13 hours ago, RollingJ said:

Stop acting like you know more than you do then - although I wouldn't inflict you on them, I'd love to see how long you'd last on a transport forum  run by people who do know the industry - because they've worked in it longer than you've been alive - if we can believe anything you've posted.

I doubt those details would come from newspaper reports, but I'm sure @Residentwill advise if they did. 😂

What I found wasn't from the press. The first 5 results I found on page one of the google search were all PDF documents from official bodies including the DfT.


You see when you're PROPERLY educated and well above a provincial vocational college level, using a simple search engine properly isn't difficult. 

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