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Badminton Is Back At Eis


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Hello all
I hope everyone is well and has survived lockdown. Over the past few weeks we as a committee have been putting together something of a plan to get some form of club sessions back up and running and I am pleased to announce that, with a few changes to the way things are run to minimise the risks to everyone, we will be holding our first session at EIS on 15th September (next Tuesday) from 7pm - 10pm.
There will be a number of changes, the most noticeable of which will be that we will be limited to the number of people in the hall at one time. Because of this we have decided to split the session into three 55 minute sessions. In order to attend you will need to visit sfbc.org.uk and sign up to and pay for a session. I appreciate that this is a shorter session than we have been running before, but it will be pretty intense due to the number of players! If you are unable to book a session because they are all full please DO NOT come to the venue as you will not be able to play and it may affect our booking with EIS if more people attend than are permitted.
When visiting the site you will be directed to the information you will need to know before attending. Please make sure you read this carefully, as there are a few other changes you will need to be aware of. Also please remember that many of the actions outlined on the website are mandated by the venue and if they are not followed we will not be able to continue putting on sessions.
I hope you will be able to attend again, either next Tuesday or at a session soon. Obviously this is all a new way of doing things and we may make some minor changes to how we do things as the weeks go by. We currently have no scope for sessions on Thursdays but we are looking into whether this will be feasible going forwards.
Right, I’m off to find my racket, does anyone remember the rules?

Please visit https://www.sfbc.org.uk/ if you wish to book your session in advance. 


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