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Local dialect of sheffield

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Had a run-in with some of the soft southern sods where I live a few days ago.

I was messing around and they were staring at me and I said "whats up wi thee?!"

I was then subjected to about 30 minuites of then saying crap like "Ewww (Southern accent southern accent) doest thou comest from ye bible?"


I also said Buwen.... "leg o lamb is alreyt but sum or em are all buwen"


The abuse... oh the abuse...


Arbut, tha LOVES it. 'Specially wi' relish .......

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Since I started using this forum- and I know its odd, but everybody here tells me that my Sheffield accent is back and getting stronger all the time.


Oh Jabber! We thought we'd lost you! Welcome back to the fold and have a virtual pint of proper Ward's Sheffield Best on me! Or Tuborg if you're a fizzy drinker ....... :suspect:

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Of course, the great thing about "Mardy" is that it is now immortalised in song by the Arctic Monkeys, so kids in USA, Australia and Japan will be asking the question "What on earth is a Mardy Bum?"

I was well into my twenties and serving with HM Forces before I realised it wasn't a proper word. I accused one of my colleagues of being a "Mardy Arse" and receieved some very strange looks indeed. I still think, however, that it should be a real word, as no other phrase quite grasps its meaning.


My first wife Jean was fascinated when my nephew John Waring aged about five said,when it was raining,"look-it's siling it down."


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I had to smile at the posting by Jabberwocky as regards his preference to drinking lager.


It reminded me of an incident some years ago.


I had to travel to London with my boss, on the way we called for a pint and he asked for a pint of lager.


We all knew he was a Beer drinker and asked the question. "How long have you been drinking lager?


His reply was, " Ever since we travelled south of Chesterfield"


Boom Boom!


Happy Days!

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Does anyone know the origin of:

1/corsey edge


3/no hobbies on


5/six foot and a gassy


7/hit or miss run two

8/around t'lump


10/a face as long as Norfolk Street



I was a kid in the 40's in Sharrow and 'round lump' referred to going round the block so you finished up where you started.The Sheffield word I have worried about for many a long year is 'jennel 'as we always pronounced it round our way, because I discovered that elsewhere 'in north' it is at least spelt 'ginnel'

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