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Local dialect of sheffield

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Did you trace the word Fertle?

No sorry, I couldn't find it in dictionary I've got, or in the book Sheffieldish a Beginners phrase-book, I highly recommend it, there are sayings in it that I haven't heard in years. I must try and get another one if it is still in publication (mine's falling apart).

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thanks for all replies.

Wassok can mean a ****.

nesh is also a verb as in "he neshed it" when you halfheartedly go into a football tackle.

In addition to "hobbies on" how abot "High Knees"?

PS I didn't know that bushbay work at John Brown's - so did I at Neepsend.




High knees was a term used in 'marbles'. As a penalty you would have to try and hit your opponent's marble with the handicap of flicking your marble from your bent knee whilst standing on one leg. Another marble game was 'dogger',which involved two holes in the gutter,and when you had rolled your marble in both holes twice,it became a killer ,and any opponents marble it touched after that became yours. Happy days-and cheap too!

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Another saying that was used, "The two women wre having a good 'mag' " meaning they were having a good gossip.


Where did the word mag originate, is it a 'Sheffield' word, or is it used in other places?


Happy Days!

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