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Local dialect of sheffield

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Thanks Sweetdexter I was trying to think of that- posher- when I posted. Also there was a sort of stool on a pole? dolly? can't think of the name but someone will- I hope.

Yes you're rightTexas there usually was a tub on one side, I think that is where you used the stool thingy?

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I am afraid the local dialect is disappearing.

I have lived in Canada for 40 years .

My sister who has lived in Sheffield all her life visited me last week.

She came with two of her grandchildren ,one 11 and one 16.

I noticed that their speech was losing the broad Sheffield sound

Some of the vowels were not as hard sounding more softer, like from the south midlands.

I would guess it is the exposure to travel and people migrating around the country .

When I was over there 4 years ago I noticed the mother of these children also had speech that was not typically Sheffield , as I know it..

This family are involved in the hospitality industry .I wonder if the contact with visitors to Sheffield moderates their speech

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I agree with your observations Dex, I also think that TV has a lot to do with the demise of various accents. As you know I have'nt lived in Sheffield for 40+ years and I know for a fact mine's gone, apart for a few bits and bobs so to speak.

Thing is, when one does move away from one area to another for any length of time you change your way of speaking unconciously.

I once heard someone who had lived in Seattle for perhaps a couple of years,and they came back with an American accent. I didn't believe it then and I don't to this day. You dont lose an accent that easy.

I myself lived in Boston Mass, for about 18 months, apart from the aquisition of a bit of Spanish terminology I didn't lose my native accent at all. Indeed, I found it an advantage while I was there. But if I had lived there for 40 years, well that would perhaps have been a different story.

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I agree with your observations Dex, I also think that TV has a lot to do with the demise of various accents. As you know I have'nt lived in Sheffield for 40+ years and I know for a fact mine's gone, apart for a few bits and bobs so to speak.

Thing is, when one does move away from one area to another for any length of time you change your way of speaking unconciously.

I once heard someone who had lived in Seattle for perhaps a couple of years,and they came back with an American accent. I didn't believe it then and I don't to this day. You dont lose an accent that easy.

I myself lived in Boston Mass, for about 18 months, apart from the aquisition of a bit of Spanish terminology I didn't lose my native accent at all. Indeed, I found it an advantage while I was there. But if I had lived there for 40 years, well that would perhaps have been a different story.


I have no contact with folks from over home.

My wife is Canadian born as are my sons, so I would guess my speech has moderated a lot, but when I hear my voice on the answering machine, to my ears I sound like I have just stepped off the boat

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