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Parking At The Northern General During The Pandemic


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I was wondering if anyone could comment on what parking is like at the Northern General at the moment. I nearly missed an appointment at the beginning of the year as it took me so long to find a space, and I understand that my experience then was not uncommon. 


I have another appointment tomorrow and need to decide how early to start off. I wonder if Covid visiting restrictions have improved the situation, although I understand that parking is free at the moment so that might have increased demand. 

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Earlier this year I got so frustrated trying to park for a series of outpatient appointments at the NGI that I gave up altogether and used taxis at some cost every time until outpatient flow decreased rapidly with the COVID19 situation. Recently however I was invited back into the NGI for my first appointment in months. With trepidation I took my car and was amazed, not only at the number of free spaces at 8.30 on a Wednesday a fortnight ago, but parking was also FREE, with the payment machines covered  up. I gather the current reduction in demand for spaces is due to (a) many staff being furloughed (b) many fewer outpatient appointments and (c) probably fewer visitors for a reduced number of in patients.


Good luck for tomorrow, I obviously can't guarantee your experience will be the same as mine, but fingers crossed it will be 🤞😊

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11 hours ago, Runningman said:

If I have to attend NGH, I park outside and walk in.

If you want to know where then pm me.

I always park on Herries Rd, if you can't get a spot above the entrance then there's always space on the road opposite the ambulance entrance just above where Sheffield Windows used to be.



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On one occasion in 2017 I drove from Rotherham and parked at Firth Park. Then got a taxi from there up to the hospital, as I knew what the hospital parking was like. Taxi back to car after appointment.


I reckon it is maybe a mile each way. Not having to pay for parking offsets part of the taxi fee. Not expensive, and is stress free.

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Alternatively, if you're mobile and coming from the right direction, park in the car park at Hillsborough Morrisons, and walk down to the bus stop outside B&Q, where the H1 passes every half hour.
It's the ferry service bus between RHH  &  NGH; stops at the clock tower at NGH.

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1 hour ago, peak4 said:

Alternatively, if you're mobile and coming from the right direction, park in the car park at Hillsborough Morrisons, and walk down to the bus stop outside B&Q, where the H1 passes every half hour.
It's the ferry service bus between RHH  &  NGH; stops at the clock tower at NGH.

I'm not sure that's open for the public at the moment.  I saw one of them today that had a sign in the windscreen saying "NHS staff only"...

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