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Intelligent Rats And How To Exterminate

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We are pulling our hair out here. Our neighbour has a delapidated shed at the bottom of her garden and rats are breeding in it. We told her over 6 months ago about it to which she didn't appreciate it but called out pest control. She never got them back to see if the treatment worked, however they are still a problem. It's costing us a fortune in bait and the traps we set they just seem to take the bait and somehow manage to not spring the trap! Should we pay for pest control when they are coming from her garden? Help!

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Just a few Suggestions:


Borrow, then let loose several local stray hungry cats / dogs (e.g. Jack Russell's) round to yours...but don't feed them.


Not sure if you can still utilise a poachers fine bore shot gun on rats.. Or Air Rifles like you used to be able too, maybe it's classed as too in humane now?

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