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Rishi Sunak Says, 'Retrain.'

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The thing is, how many firms, shops etc are closing down, we were losing jobs by the bucket load before the pandemic, there's absolutely thousands of people directly involved in the music and arts industries, not just the 'stars'theres also the electrictions,carpenters, roadies etc etc

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Home services.................bin man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was a research chemist which I loved.

No mention of science, although I could be a sexual health adviser.

 At least it wasn't sex worker

Edited by davyboy
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A huge range of "opportunities" suggested but so many could have been excluded if there'd been a question on age. e.g. Sports professional or scientist which would have meant I'd have had to have started a lot earlier than in my 60's.


Plus, football referee, ffs, when I know nothing about football. Perhaps that's the qualification necessary.

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Well, that was a fun interlude.  I got either a Road Traffic Accident Investigator or a Receptionist.  Can't see me in either of those roles, even if I was young enough to retrain.  At least it's better than the first careers advice I got from a teacher, who thought I would end up as a road-sweeper or a binman!


Perhaps a receptionist's typing course would at least help me when posting on this site, even if I am too old and cranky to be a real receptionist when I finish the training!


On a more serious note, if Rishi gets his way, who will be doing the re-training, and where?

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12 hours ago, max said:

A huge range of "opportunities" suggested but so many could have been excluded if there'd been a question on age. e.g. Sports professional or scientist which would have meant I'd have had to have started a lot earlier than in my 60's.


Plus, football referee, ffs, when I know nothing about football. Perhaps that's the qualification necessary.

And there only about 100 professional football refs in the country - and it would need a good few years of being a ref in non league footy with only getting expenses, - ie to be a professional ref you need an income from another job for a good 10 years while making your way up the ladder.

7 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Retrain to be a brain surgeon. 6 week online course and you're all set....

Sounds like Donald Trump's personal "doctor".........................................

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17 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Retrain to be a brain surgeon. 6 week online course and you're all set....

I was going to say that you'd also need a degree and sit rigorous exams, but with courses all online, and exam results on estimated grades....hmmm..... perhaps that's the way we are heading.  Lets see, what are we short of at the moment and are likely to need more of shortly (HNS staff), and what areas are losing people (hospitality and the Arts).  Lets see what the future hold for us after a bit of retraining ....


"Is this a scalpel I see before me?",

"I came to bury the patient, not to save him", or perhaps

"Would you like your drip topping up dear?".

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I don't see the issue with what he said. If there aren't enough jobs in the industry you're involved in then retraining and getting a job in an industry that needs workers is a perfectly reasonable option. 


It's not like he's said you can't go back to the industry once it picks back up. Those that are moaning about it, just smacks of entitled behaviour for me. "I'm not getting what I want, waaaaahhhh"

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