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Silly Scooter Driver

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My wife has a scooter which she has had for the past 8 years and it is insured and has third party cover,she would much prefer not to have a scooter and be able to walk on her own but that is no longer possible.We see lots of people on scooters who make silly decisions and put themselves and other people in danger but like some older car drivers they do not want to give up there independence and freedom to go out.

Untill the law changes and older car drivers are required to have there driving abillity checked and scooter riders have to have a test then nothing will change.I am an older driver by the way 73 but like everyone else think that i am ok. 

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Guest busdriver1
5 hours ago, jackanne said:

My wife has a scooter which she has had for the past 8 years and it is insured and has third party cover,she would much prefer not to have a scooter and be able to walk on her own but that is no longer possible.We see lots of people on scooters who make silly decisions and put themselves and other people in danger but like some older car drivers they do not want to give up there independence and freedom to go out.

Untill the law changes and older car drivers are required to have there driving abillity checked and scooter riders have to have a test then nothing will change.I am an older driver by the way 73 but like everyone else think that i am ok. 

Interesting and slightly connected fact. In order to use a suitable scooter on a bus the user has to demonstrate their ability to board and disboard unassisted. In west Yorkshire 12 permits have been issued from over 1'000 applicants. I have no idea what the figures are for South Yorkshire area. 

Edited by busdriver1
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VERY INTRESTING facts,i didnt know any of that,do they need insurance,i really believe all bikes,inc electric and scooters need insurance for everyones safety,i get the disabled,who needs these scooters as i am sure as a disabled person they need freedom.

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23 hours ago, bassett one said:

VERY INTRESTING facts,i didnt know any of that,do they need insurance,i really believe all bikes,inc electric and scooters need insurance for everyones safety,i get the disabled,who needs these scooters as i am sure as a disabled person they need freedom.

How will having insurance make things safer. It's a bit of paper.

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it may be a bit of paper,but if a silly scooter driver or bike rider hits you ,you can claim,as it stands that lot dont have to pay anything,they damage a car and theres no comeback so the car driver foots the bill,wrong they need to pay insurance and road tax.

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3 hours ago, bassett one said:

it may be a bit of paper,but if a silly scooter driver or bike rider hits you ,you can claim,as it stands that lot dont have to pay anything,they damage a car and theres no comeback so the car driver foots the bill,wrong they need to pay insurance and road tax.

You can make a claim against the individual at fault, regardless of whether they are insured or not.

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20 hours ago, bassett one said:

but thats no good if they have no cash or live with mum ect,ect.

Live with mum??


There will always be exceptions to the rule, just as there are uninsured drivers, lots of them.


But in general, it is perfectly possible to claim against the individual concerned.


Can you provide your figures for the number of accidents caused by scooters.

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dont know the damage scooter or bikes have caused over england,but who pays out for your car damage if its caused by these uninsured ,untrained people,also if a cars uninsured ,you are  normally end up in court,fined,prison ect,plus points deduction,but if its only a small  amount ,its too many if it has to come out of your pocket cash wise,its about time these people paid insurance/tax and had some form of test,bikes get lanes ect ,but pay nowt.

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34 minutes ago, bassett one said:

but who pays out for your car damage if its caused by these uninsured ,untrained people

That question's been answered : the individual responsible. in all likelyhood it'll be the cost of a minor scratch re-spray.  we're talking pocket-money, no insurance required.


Where would you draw the line? how about wheelie-bin insurance and training before you're allowed to put your bins out on a tuesday evening? 


i don't know how much damage is caused by people putting their bins out, but it'll definitely be more than zero. 

Edited by ads36
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