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Skillingtons of alfred road attercliffe

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I would like to trace anyone still who remembers the Skillington family, George Skillinton father, Rose mother, eldest son Frederick and Cyril. They had the corner beer off shop on Alfred Road and the opposite side was the haberdashers ownded by my great aunt Hilda Jackson her sons are Billy, Cyril and daughter Glenis.


Georges family originated from lincolnshire and Rose was brought up by the Tuckwoods (resturant)of Sheffield town.


Rose had had three sisters Nelly who had family which emnergrated to Autraila. Hilda, Billy who emigrated to canada. Floreance.


I saw a referance to a harry tuckwood and i do remember the name but i was only young at the time.


Rose had a daughter that died of pneumonia at the tender age of three her name was rosie, and she is buried in the cemetary on burngreave road.


Cyril skillington was in the REMY during his national service which was served in egypt.



i really wolud like to find any realtives or anyone who can tell me about rose and the tuckwood family..

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  • 2 years later...

Replying to Frederick, who posted mesage in June 2006. Billy Jackson went to Canada and, sadly, he died in 2006, but I think his sister Glenis is still around. Best look on the Newhall thread, for lots of people from Newhall have fond memories of Rosie Skillington, and if you are still looking, someone might be able to help..

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  • 3 months later...

i knew rosie from everyday visits to buy food!in them days we didnt have a fridge, the only place to keep it was on the cellar head,rosie must have spent the best part of her adult life serving in the shop,she was a real human being i dont think anyone had a bad word to say about her.god bless her!

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Great to see that the name of Rosie Skillington is still remembered. As you say, she was a gem. I would love to find a picture of her to put in the archives at the Sheffield Library's Local History dept, for Rosie deserves a place in the history of that part of Sheffield's East End.

I know that the late Billy Jackson was related to Rosie, and there was a link to the Tuckwoods, but I have a feeling that the family of Barry Hibberd, who now lives in Essex, had some connection. I was talking to Barry at the last Newhall reunion, and he was telling me about a day, back in the 1940s, when some idiot robbed Rosie's shop. Everybody in the area had such respect for Rosie, they were horrified by what had happened. Nobody local would ever have raised a finger or stolen anything from her, so everybody knew it must be some outsider. If they had caught the person responsible, they would, as they used to say, have "swung for them"!

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