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Another Knife Attack In France

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Was to be expected, after the media amplification of fundies' howls and Erdogan's **** stirring.


Same as when Farage excited the masses over "traitor politicians" (Jo Cox), more recently Priti Patel excited masses over "lefty lawyers defending asylum seekers" (knifeman arrested in London law firm), etc.


Some of the most excited amongst the excitable rabble can always be relied upon to eventually act.

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" fundies howls " ?

Agree 100% with that Loob. Macron'has been stirring the pot recently. Grandstanding with his " Loi de Seperatism" and attacks on " communautarisme". The other day the Interior Minister was "outraged"  by seeing halal food for sale in a supermarket. Deputies walked out of Parliament after the sight of a veiled young woman.


France has a problem obviously. 


Macron is concerned about Le Pen grabbing public support so has decided to play the tough anti-Islam card.


No idea what " fundies howls " refers to ?


Edited by Ridgewalk
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1 hour ago, Ridgewalk said:

" fundies howls " ?

Agree 100% with that Loob. Macron'has been stirring the pot recently. Grandstanding with his " Loi de Seperatism" and attacks on " communautarisme". The other day the Interior Minister was "outraged"  by seeing halal food for sale in a supermarket. Deputies walked out of Parliament after the sight of a veiled young woman.


France has a problem obviously. 


Macron is concerned about Le Pen grabbing public support so has decided to play the tough anti-Islam card.


No idea what " fundies howls " refers to ?


Yes, fundies howls.  At badly-drawn cartoons in a satirical magazine. Again.


Note that I'm not counting Erdogan's howls today, at the follow-up badly-drawn cartoons. They depict him, not Mahomet.


If by "Loi de separatism" you are referring to laicity (frequently dubbed 'secularism'), I haven't seen grandstanding, but a reaffirmation of this centuries-old constitutional principle, and its cross-compatibility with freedom of expression:


By law, freedom of speech means any belief system, religious or otherwise, is fair game for satire.


By law, laicity means no religion gets any treatment or attention from the State. Special or exceptional or otherwise: so far as the State is concerned, religion doesn't exist outside of someone's mind, and has no particular status or standing in law or procedure, period.


So fundies (fundamentalist muslims) don't get to try and force their beliefs onto Charlie Hebdo or its readership, by dictating through force of threats, what cartoons it can or can't print.


France doesn't have any problem with Islam. Islam does with France.


The new, more proselyte kind of Islam, that is, which has a real issue with laicity, since that principle stands fully and squarely across its expansionist aims.


Not the older Islam steeped in these republican, secular values, and which has been there without any problem for decades and longer (nor any burkahs, and there's your clue).


Whether it's Islam, or Judaism, or Christianity, or.... pray in your corner, keep your beliefs to yourself, stow the proselyte part of it, and all will be well. But roll it out and try to force it on people, then expect to get stamped on, as much by the state as by the vast majority of the population itself. 

Edited by L00b
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22 minutes ago, L00b said:

Yes, fundies howls.  At badly-drawn cartoons in a satirical magazine. Again.


Note that I'm not counting Erdogan's howls today, at the follow-up badly-drawn cartoons. They depict him, not Mahomet.


If by "Loi de separatism" you are referring to laicity (frequently dubbed 'secularism'), I haven't seen grandstanding, but a reaffirmation of this centuries-old constitutional principle.


France doesn't have any problem with Islam. Islam does with France. The new, more proselyte kind, that is. Not the older Islam steeped in republican, secular values (whether metropolitan or inherited from a colonial past) that's been there without much problems for decades and longer.


Whether it's Islam, or Judaism, or Christianity, or.... stow the proselyte part of it, and all will be well. But roll it out and force it on people, then expect to get stamped on. It's not a hard concept.

If I was referring to secularism I would have said so.  You made an analogy between Frarage and the Joe Cox tragedy in this case I would agree with you. You've not being paying close attention to the things Macrons been saying, he did say, there's a problem with Islam, don't ask for the linky thing I haven't got it. 


the Loi de Seperatism IS aimed at Islam.  Do you think Macrons Interior Minister who was Incensed by seeing halal food for sale in a supermarket and the Deputies who walked out of the Chamber after seeing a young woman veiled haven't contributed to the feelings of exclusion by Muslims. 


Macrons let the genie out out of the bottle here. 


Macrons fond of talking about uniting all French people but he's not doing a good job about establishing it.


Perhaps social and economic exclusion may have something to do with it. However if you're a comfortably off white liberal perhaps it doesn't particularly affect you.


French society and it's " republican " values doesn't seem to have enough room for manoeuvre. I appreciate France is not the only country subject to terrorist attacks but it must be top of the table  for being targeted, in the west at least.


Multiculturalism   isn't working in France.











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this is all because of a professor showing  a Cartoon of Mohammed, an image of course which is highly offensive to Muslims and leave it at that...A reminder - The subject Image was part of a class devoted to open discussion and to encourage debate concerning FREE SPEECH. 

The professor (history & Geography) was admired and appreciated by his colleagues & students and devoted to his work.  It was announced that he will receive a National Tribute in his honour. 

From a student "
He was one of the professors we had the most contact with during confinement. He was always concerned about the beliefs of his students and he was concerned with being respectful to them all the time,”continues Sandrine. Before adding: "Last year when the children had this course, they did not experience it at all as something attacking their beliefs but on the contrary as a debate and an exchange that could take place in class. 

The terrorist received a residential visa (carte de sejour) in March 2020 valid 10 years, despite being known to police in relation to Urban violence. 

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Murder for a cartoon. That is so extreme. I don’t get violent when I see things that I find offensive.
It would be great if intellectual leaders in the moslem world recognised that they have a serious problem in their religion and reformed edicts to eliminate all theological justifications for such violent crime

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3 hours ago, iansheff said:

Two people murdered, one decapitated according to the article below, the Mayor of Nice tweeted he believed it was a terrorist attack, one person arrested.

Are these two more murders in the name of religion?



Religion which ones support this?. There is NOTHING in Christianity, Buddhism that supports this - no ambiguity in it. No debate. Nothing to say that you should kill or injure if someone casts aspersions on your religion, absolutely NOTHING. So please, get your facts right 

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1 minute ago, frigate said:

Religion which ones support this?. There is NOTHING in Christianity, Buddhism that supports this - no ambiguity in it. No debate. Nothing to say that you should kill or injure if someone casts aspersions on your religion, absolutely NOTHING. So please, get your facts right 



Some angry bhuddists (not the one I was looking for but it will do)




Here's some very intolerant  bhuddists. It's only a picture!


BBC News - Sri Lanka to deport Buddha tattoo British woman


Angry Hindus 




Angry Christians - loads of them in America. Here's one finding out if there's a God.




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