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People Who Don't Pick Up After Their Dogs

Guest makapaka

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On 08/07/2019 at 21:35, Pettytom said:

I can’t see much point in picking dog poo up in a wood that is already full of fox poo and badger poo. So if my dog runs off into the wood to poo, I leave it.

There are about 10millon dogs in the uk, and about 1million foxes. If we all let our dogs poo in the woods, there would be a lot of dog poo in the woods. 


Maybe just me, but our dog isn't let off the lead until he's 'gone'...


(And even then, he's not free to roam)

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23 hours ago, Padders said:

I think dog owners who let their dogs mess, and leave it lying there, should at least carry a can of illuminated paint.

Spray it on the mess, and people would see it and avoid it.

Hmmm... :huh:

... that sounds like a brilliant idea Mr Padders. :idea:


We could get all the little oiks who like defacing other people's property with their aerosol cans on the job, and if we could get one of the forum boffins to suggest some sort of bacteriological acceleration agent that could be added to the paint then we could become the UK's first city to have fully biodegradable doggy poop!


I can see the banners on the Town Hall now...


... Sheffield - City of Sanitary. :thumbsup:

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On 13 July 2019 at 01:25, catmiss said:

It’s not just about bagging the poo. Despite having several dog poo bins around my area we have bags left as x marks the spot or even hung on tree branches 

Ah yes, I remember the poo trees well...never understood what "thought processes" led to those.


Position disclaimer: our dog is never off leash (unless in deserted fields/woodlands with long lines of sight), we never let our dog 'go' in gardens or parks of any sort, and we only pick up in urban /inhabited areas.


In my experience, people who don't pick up tend to be the same people who don't leash up, then go "oh he only wants to play"  after vainly trying to recall their investigative mutt (...when they're not legging it out of sight, because said mutt has ran in for a full attack rather than investigated), then go all uppity (and/or shouty) as their precious pet legs it wailing after getting itself chomped :rolleyes:


It's not hard nor intellectually-taxing to be a responsible dog owner. But it does require some effort.

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  • 1 year later...

Shocking in Malin Bridge.


Pick it up or get rid of your dog.


Makes me [insert rude word here] angry.


All down Taplin Road - near the bus stop at the end. All around that area.



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Never mind the dog muck, it's the cat muck I can't stand. Every time I cut the grass there's a new pile and they only ever do it in the thickest of grass, so that when you do cut it, it ends up in your lawnmower. 

If I'd have wanted a cat I'd have bought one. Cats never seem to do it on their own garden and it's not right especially with children about that they are free to do it wherever. 

That's my Victor Meldrew rant over.

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What gets me is, on White lane there is a grassy area all down one side and yet you still have to dodge the dog poo on the pavement. I don`t know about White Lane, they should drop the W and replace it with an S.  And most dogwalkers are on the pavement and you have to walk on the road.  Thats my Meldrew moment over.

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On occasions I have walked my dogs on White Lane. I try to keep them on the grass side but the problem is most dogs like smelling wee and they tug like mad to get over to the pavement side where other dogs have scented gates etc. Sometimes my shoulders have ached from keeping them away from that side.

Whenever possible I take them down Ford/Ridgeway now. It's muddier but less intrusive to other members of the public. 

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