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Car Insurance Could Be Invalid If You Drive During Lockdown

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Reading the article below apparently if you drive during the lockdown, have an accident and it is shown that your journey was not essential then your insurance could be declared void. I wonder if the insurance companies will freezer their prices for next year as I would imagine the number of claims have dropped this year due to people doing well under their usual mileage.



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I have seen this article rehashed on several of the local rags and I think The Express were the first to break this so-called news. Smacks a lot of advert to me rather than anything else.


I'll be interested to see some of the the outcome of the court cases on such matters. What on earth is been deemed "outside of the insurer contract" if someone say like myself has a fully comprehensive group 1 business insurance.  Given there is a huge range of reasons why people still need to travel and various exceptions they are opening up a minefield with that one.


If I had an accident the determination of whether it was an essential journey is a matter for the police not the insurance companies.  Say I smash my wing mirror on a post while trying to park somewhere and put in a claim are they really going to go and check the police records to see whether my journey was essential and put me under interregation?


Obviously for those who have different types of policy there may be more risk of breaching some rule but I just found the whole thing very very suspicious.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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6 minutes ago, probedb said:

I do hope this is a lesson learned for the OP not to believe everything they read on the internet.

To be fair to the original poster it's a story that's been published in several newspaper outlets including one national one.


The fault really lies with these desperate trash publications, including our own Sheffield Star, who these days no longer actually do journalism and have turned into advertising whores with a little bit of clickbait stories thrown in.


You only have to look on the website of any of these regional publications and your eyes are assaulted with 90% pop-up adverts and banners with about 3 paragraphs of content. They then have the audacity to limit the amount viewings per week and beg you to pay money and subscribe to their publications. They are having a laugh.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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