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Bank / Agency Nurses

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Hi there,


I'm a bank and agency nurse living in Sheffield but working in different cities.


I'm interested to know if there are others out there in similar positions and whether you'd be interested in forming a social / support group?


Get in touch with your thoughts or ideas on here and we can take it from there.



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3 minutes ago, Janus said:

I know what an agency nurse is, but what is the bank thing?

Basically once you’re registered there’s a ‘bank’ of shifts that you can choose from. 
You can work as little or as often as you choose (depending on suitable shifts being available).

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After working full time I went on the ‘Bank’ after having my kids. I used to ring up on Thursday and be told what shifts we’re available the following week and you’d sign up for what you could do. The downside was being rung at all hours ‘because we’re desperate’ and feeling obliged to do a shift. My husband installed an ansaphone to avoid being woken at 2am! Looking back to the 80s it was a cheaper version of agency nursing with, in my case, the added mutual benefit of working in my specialist area

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