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Catholic Church Swept Child Sexual Abuse Under Carpet

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29 minutes ago, Ridgewalk said:

Report into child sexual abuse and the Catholic Church findings revealed. Vaticans failure to cooperate with enquiry " passes understanding "


It's about time this evil cult packed its bags and disappeared into history's dustbin.

That is why I left the Catholic Church years ago.!

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3 minutes ago, andyofborg said:

Pretty much every organisation which interacts with children has a history of child abuse and until  it was dragged into the open all of them covered it up. 



These are meant to be people of God, but you're probably right

Just now, pattricia said:

That is why I left the Catholic Church years ago.!

Me as well Patricia. I was fully steeped in the traditions and dogma of the church courtesy of my mother. I went the whole gamut, primary and secondary education, altar boy, church twice on sundays and usually every day during school holidays. Sheesh !

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4 minutes ago, Ridgewalk said:

These are meant to be people of God, but you're probably right

Me as well Patricia. I was fully steeped in the traditions and dogma of the church courtesy of my mother. I went the whole gamut, primary and secondary education, altar boy, church twice on sundays and usually every day during school holidays. Sheesh !

Same here. Went to The Convent High Schools  For Girls on Burngreave Road. It was a miserable place and we had to pray a lot, go to mass every Sunday morning, and worst of all go to Confession. I couldn’t wait to leave and do ordinary things like going dancing and having a drink in the pub beforehand. I left the church for good when they banned Birth Control pills.

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2 hours ago, Anna B said:

The child abuse was so big a thing, happening everywhere, how did they manage to keep it secret for so long? The complaints went back years and were a criminal offence. Did nobody investigate it properly? If not, why not?

It makes me wonder how many abusers got away with it Anna. The church protected them and moved the priests to another parish if they were found out.

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14 hours ago, Anna B said:

The child abuse was so big a thing, happening everywhere, how did they manage to keep it secret for so long? The complaints went back years and were a criminal offence. Did nobody investigate it properly? If not, why not?

Bizarre as it may seem today I don't think there was the same acknowledgement that such behaviour was the abhorrent perversion that it actually is. The word paedophilia wasn't generally known or understood in the 1960s and 1970s. Certain religious groups from that era born of the hippy movement practised it for example. I also don't think the life long damaging psychological effects were fully understood either.


As other Catholics, such as Patricia will know, the Priest in Catholic communities had Great authority and power. I could go on.


There's been one scandal after another involving " The Church",  in recent decades. 

There's always the same blithe responses, " we've learnt from our mistakes", " we're sorry", etc. 


It's a dying cult anyway, Priests appear to be very old, they have to cover several parishes, schools which were once full with Catholic children now admit a majority non catholic.




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16 hours ago, bassett one said:

really bad that these things happened and even worse what happened when they were found out,but its to late to bring most to justice,but still awfull

Don't catholics believe in purgatory- so the sinful would receive suffering for their wrongs.



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