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Catholic Church Swept Child Sexual Abuse Under Carpet

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41 minutes ago, *Wallace* said:

Heard on the news yesterday one of the victims was told to go away and prey for his abuser,you couldn’t make it up.

That’s the Catholic Church for you. !  The worst part was parishioners having to go to confession. It should have been the abusive priests going to confession not listening to other peoples confessions.

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Speaking as a Catholic, albeit a lapsed one, I find it very strange that on the same day that the Chief Exec of the FA is basically forced to resign for comments he's made, Vincent Nicholls does nothing apart from apologies for hiding years of abuse in order to protect the Church & possibly believes that's the end of the matter? 

Edited by Baron99
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3 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

Speaking as a Catholic, albeit a lapsed one, I find it very strange that on the same day that the Chief Exec of the FA is basically forced to resign for comments he's made, Vincent Nicholls does nothing apart from apologies for hiding years of abuse in order to protect the Church & possibly believes that's the end of the matter? 

He's more concerned about the reputation of the church!

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10 hours ago, Ridgewalk said:

Bizarre as it may seem today I don't think there was the same acknowledgement that such behaviour was the abhorrent perversion that it actually is. The word paedophilia wasn't generally known or understood in the 1960s and 1970s. Certain religious groups from that era born of the hippy movement practised it for example. I also don't think the life long damaging psychological effects were fully understood either.


As other Catholics, such as Patricia will know, the Priest in Catholic communities had Great authority and power. I could go on.


There's been one scandal after another involving " The Church",  in recent decades. 

There's always the same blithe responses, " we've learnt from our mistakes", " we're sorry", etc. 


It's a dying cult anyway, Priests appear to be very old, they have to cover several parishes, schools which were once full with Catholic children now admit a majority non catholic.




Mmm, not sure about that... Do you not remember the PIE organisation (Paedophile Information Exchange,) which campaigned in the 70s to reduce the age of consent to involve children in sexual acts. It got involved with some government ministers and in particular Harriet Harman, who I believe was entangled through her involvement with the National Council for Civil Liberties which was affilliated to PIE and fighting for its rights. How any organisation with the word 'paedophile' in its name could campaign openly in plain sight and get away with it, beggars belief, but it did. It wasn't disbanded until 1984. 


Unfortunately it seems nothing could stop it going on in the church in spite of the many many complaints, but believe me, it didn't all start with Jimmy Saville.

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50 minutes ago, Anna B said:

Mmm, not sure about that... Do you not remember the PIE organisation (Paedophile Information Exchange,) which campaigned in the 70s to reduce the age of consent to involve children in sexual acts. It got involved with some government ministers and in particular Harriet Harman, who I believe was entangled through her involvement with the National Council for Civil Liberties which was affilliated to PIE and fighting for its rights. How any organisation with the word 'paedophile' in its name could campaign openly in plain sight and get away with it, beggars belief, but it did. It wasn't disbanded until 1984. 


Unfortunately it seems nothing could stop it going on in the church in spite of the many many complaints, but believe me, it didn't all start with Jimmy Saville.

There's another good Catholic for you. Saville was made a Knight Commander of St. Gregory the Great by Pope John Paul 2nd.


There's an indicator for you, The NCCL appeared to regard  PIE as being discriminated against due to homophobia. Strange times were the sixties and seventies.

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On 11/11/2020 at 10:42, Mr Fisk said:

Don't catholics believe in purgatory- so the sinful would receive suffering for their wrongs.



Not just the Catholic Church. I went to C of E Sunday school in the early 60’s and we all knew to steer clear of a certain verger but I didn’t know why. I found out on the bus trip to Hope well dressing when I was 11, luckily a female adult rescued me before things went too far but I now  think she knew of his intention. I was able to tell, and thankfully believed by, my mum who confronted the vicar. He called me an evil liar and no child of God and I became an atheist. At that time the Church was establishment and children making any allegations  were precocious fantasists so police involvement wasn’t an option. 6 years, and I don’t know how many victims later, the Verger was convicted of ‘under age sex’ and the vicar moved on. 

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My Dad was brought up a Catholic in Scotland, he said School in the 1950’s was brutal.

If a girl was naughty in class they would drag a boy up and cane him across the back of the hands as they didn’t believe in caning girls. 
The girl was then expected to feel bad about her behaviour as a result.

A priest went to hit my Dad in the playground on his last day at school, my Dad threw him in the river and got expelled! Still says it’s the best thing he’s ever done.


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On 17/11/2020 at 03:42, catmiss said:

Not just the Catholic Church. I went to C of E Sunday school in the early 60’s and we all knew to steer clear of a certain verger but I didn’t know why. I found out on the bus trip to Hope well dressing when I was 11, luckily a female adult rescued me before things went too far but I now  think she knew of his intention. I was able to tell, and thankfully believed by, my mum who confronted the vicar. He called me an evil liar and no child of God and I became an atheist. At that time the Church was establishment and children making any allegations  were precocious fantasists so police involvement wasn’t an option. 6 years, and I don’t know how many victims later, the Verger was convicted of ‘under age sex’ and the vicar moved on. 

Unfortunately it appears to be in every community, and we have to acknowledge that.

Except in government of course, there couldn't possibly be any of these evil people in government.

And you get 18 years in clink for saying so.

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