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Peter Sutcliffe - The Yorkshire Ripper Is Dead.

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38 minutes ago, Arnold_Lane said:

So cushy he got stabbed in both eyes and nearly strangled there.


Only Ronnie Kray was in Broadmoor.

I wasn't far off, at least there was one of em in there.  If you get stabbed in a Five Star hotel its still a Five Star Hotel,  if you get stabbed in a Michelin Star Restaurant its still a Michelin Star Restaurant.  

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1 minute ago, PRESLEY said:

I wasn't far off, at least there was one of em in there.  If you get stabbed in a Five Star hotel its still a Five Star Hotel,  if you get stabbed in a Michelin Star Restaurant its still a Michelin Star Restaurant.  

Why not check first though?  Adds credibility.

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36 minutes ago, Arnold_Lane said:

Why not check first though?  Adds credibility.

I did mention two Krays instead of one, my mistake, but going back to  one of your previous replies which was " we've found your level " it begs the question how many is there of you. 

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I’m old enough to have been a young woman when the Yorkshire Ripper was at work. I remember the  difference in press reporting of sex worker and ‘innocent’ victims and the police advising women to stay at home. I was on night duty at the old Jessop Hospital, which was then very much in the red light district, when he was arrested in a street behind and then went home to sleep a couple of roads away from Hammerton Road police station where he was originally held. It’s hard to explain the fear this man instilled in women (and the people who cared for them) for 5 years at a time when women were beginning to make their own way. I do remember Women’s Lib counteracting the police advice by calling for all men to stay at home until the killer was caught. When he was arrested police allowed him to have a pee in bushes and it was a young Sheffield PC who went back to those bushes the following morning and found the hammer which sealed his fate. At the end he was still a marked man likely to spend his remaining life in prison,  ill from heart disease and refusing treatment for Covid was probably the easiest way out. No sympathy for him but resulting press coverage must have caused renewed pain for the nearest and dearest of his victims and survivors 

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