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Current Grouses And Confusion!


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No doubt somebody brighter than me can help out on these two sources of complaint!


1) I've used Google search engine on my laptop for years - presently via Firefox and W10 - without many problems, but I'm fed up seeing the message that in order for them to "personalise content and ads", I have to "agree".

I have. I've agreed countless times.

I've even signed in and agreed, hopeful that it would be remembered and they wouldn't ask me again...but no. Every bloody time I start Firefox, there it is again.

If that wasn't annoying enough, now  the damn message takes its time to appear, with the old "spooling circle" taking an age to load.


2) Like many, I've subscribed to many Youtube presenters - tutorials in the main, and used to get emails saying that Fred had uploaded a new video. These stopped mid-August, so I have to remember who I subscribed to, and go hunt their latest efforts down.

I say "stopped".

The emails to my laptop ceased, but I still get an odd few videos showing up on an android tablet...but no advice by email. The notifications about new videos just "appear" at the top of the tablet screen. 


I don't understand.... but you will, so would you mind explaining what's going on, please?!





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I'm just guessing here, but every now and then they decide to change the rules and you have to accept the new ones in order to "carry on as you were."  I have noticed that on the smartphone that I get notifications rather than emails these days - I think it is the way they have moved (the goalposts!).

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If you agree to the ads, then it's most likely storing a cookie on your system. If you clear cookies every time you close or restart Firefox (I avoid Firefox so I don't know if this is an option or not) then it'll ask you every time you go to Google and it looks for a cookies on your system that doesn't exist.

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On 17/11/2020 at 23:00, the_bloke said:

If you agree to the ads, then it's most likely storing a cookie on your system. If you clear cookies every time you close or restart Firefox (I avoid Firefox so I don't know if this is an option or not) then it'll ask you every time you go to Google and it looks for a cookies on your system that doesn't exist.

it is indeed an option....


3 bars top right> options> Privacy & Security and scroll a little down to find the cookies etc options.

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