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No New Petrol Or Diesel Cars After 2030-Will There Be A U Turn?

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2 hours ago, El Cid said:

Electric is cheaper than petrol, overall. We need to catch up.

Electric = 67p per mile, vs petrol which is 74p per mile.

Which takes into account the initail cost of the vehicle.




So here in France diesel will be cheaper than electric overall as duty on diesel is far lower than in the UK.

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15 hours ago, Longcol said:

So here in France diesel will be cheaper than electric overall as duty on diesel is far lower than in the UK.

Electric engines are effecient, but it will be very costly to install the millions of charging points, the mini-super markets at petrol stations will go bust and all for a marginal co2 saving.

I am thinking about buying a van next year, I cannot see why I would even concider electric at the moment. Even if, on paper, the costs can be similar.

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On 05/12/2020 at 20:10, Resident said:

Where have you seen a Leaf for 3k? 


I've looked on all the major sites and the cheapest ones were 5k  & spares/repairs. 

Could have sworn they were floating around 3 grand when I last looked, but I'm clearly off the mark.


Three different cars ended tonight on eBay all around £4300.



7 hours ago, El Cid said:

it will be very costly to install the millions of charging points, the mini-super markets at petrol stations will go bust and all for a marginal co2 saving.


Yes in their current format I would imagine so.


However whats probably likely is in their place you'll see a shop/cafe/coffee type establishment with charge points in all the parking bays.

Plug in for a charge and while you wait have something to eat/drink.


The reality is that most chargers are never going to be super quick, even when the technology gets there.

The electrical infrastructure required to support that kind of kit is just not something a small business would be able to get into.


There'll be a few stations dotted around that would be able to support it, but for the most part there will be waiting involved.


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7 hours ago, El Cid said:

Electric engines are effecient, but it will be very costly to install the millions of charging points, the mini-super markets at petrol stations will go bust and all for a marginal co2 saving.

I am thinking about buying a van next year, I cannot see why I would even concider electric at the moment. Even if, on paper, the costs can be similar.

They installed two charging points in our village about 3 years ago. Nobody has ever seen them in use.


The 24/7 petrol station is very popular.

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21 hours ago, El Cid said:

   ...and all for a marginal co2 saving.

transport accounts for 34% * of the UK's CO2 emissions.


it's the single biggest factor - if we do nothing else, we *must* de-carbonise transport. It's probably the single most important thing our country can do.


(* figure taken from the ONS report on 2019 Greenhouse emissions, for the Dpt for Business, Energy and industrial strategy, page 1, 4th bullet point)


and it's ~ 40million tonnes of CO2 from cars alone, which is over10% of the uk total.


We've got 10 years to get used to the idea that the 2nd hand car we buy in 15 years will probably be a hybrid. I hope you'll forgive me for not falling to the floor in panic and despair.

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Regarding the availability of charging points, I can imagine very similar conversations happening in the late 19th/early 20th century when petrol car first started appearing.


I'm not getting rid of my horse, as I can get fuel for it (grass) everywhere and there's hardly anywhere that sells petrol.

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5 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

First all electric forecourt now. 


BBC News - Braintree electric car forecourt a UK first

Looks like it'll be a fair size bigger than your usual fuel station and with a much lower throughput. And where are they going to put the queue if all bays are full?

12 hours ago, whiteowl said:

Regarding the availability of charging points, I can imagine very similar conversations happening in the late 19th/early 20th century when petrol car first started appearing.



Most cars back then would have a jerry can of petrol or two strapped to the back of the car "in case".


Can't see anyone being able to carry a spare battery.

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13 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

First all electric forecourt now. 


BBC News - Braintree electric car forecourt a UK first

I noticed a lot of cars looked quite expensive.


Prices of EV will need to drop down substantially if suppliers want the average joe to buy.


So how long will people have to wait to charge, its not going to be the 5 mins it takes to put fuel in.

Its designed so ppl park up, charge, go into the forecourt and spend more money to pass time.

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