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Where To Get High Chair / Hip Replacement Op.

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Hope someone can help,


My mom is having a hip replacement op soon: and we want to get a chair suitable for someone recovering from a hip replacement etc. She says the seat level needs to be around 19-20 inches off the floor.


Ive tried looking on eBay, but no idea what they’re called, what search terms I should use, any ideas?


Also, are their any places (maybe charities) where we could loan one for a few weeks? Or perhaps purchase a second hand one?



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When selling  similar furniture in the recent past we were directed to use the British Heart Foundation in Hillsborough.

We had bought the articles from the Wicker Independent Living by Ross Care and Hillsborough Barracks (closed?).

Social services will visit and provide advice and free some home improvements (risers and hand railsetc.)in order to aid recovery.

Buying online was a never a good idea.





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It's a case of finding the right chair - an old wing backed chair of some description really, and that's a harder job these days, second hand is still a good bet. If you find something close but not high enough you could get a bit of stiffish foam and stick that underneath the cushion to raise it up a bit. As previously mention charity shops, Ebay if there is someone local or someone who can measure accurately. 


BHF used to have a website showing current stock and I cant find it for the life of me. You want an old shackleton's high seat chair really. They're lovely!



Here's one up at Huddersfield on Ebay. Looks cheap to me!



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If you already have a suitable chair look at buying/hiring chair raisers, the Red Cross may supply these items and quite easy to fit as long as the chair is appropriate for them, the hospital should assess your mum and then ask for a occupational therapy assessment at  home if she has any issues. 

Edited by DaveGas
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