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Celebrities Putting Any Small Incident To Get In The News.


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The unfortunate truth is that we the public are the ones who create such situation. We are the ones who actually do want to know every little detail about a personality's life.


This is certainly not a new concept and the obsession over the famous and influential can be traced back decades. However I do feel that it has become worse as social media developed and there are now huge numbers of people who deludedly believe that they are in a friendship or have acquaintances with their chosen celebrity just because they have a read only connection with them on social media. That leads to people obsessively wanting to know every aspect of what their celebrity is doing.


They go wild because some airhead gym obsessed lump of meat is "unknowingly" photoed taking the bins out with their shirt off and gets published in some magazine.  They delight at seeing some blonde bimbo from that TV quiz being snapped walking around Tesco . ".....oh look it's that Brenda Giggleboobs from that show.....she shops in supermarkets just like us normal people do.  Amazing"


The more we lap it up, the more the media are willing to provide it. It's quick and easy fodder  they can fill their papers with and sell copy.


It's like the whole argument with the honours list that comes up up every year. The fact is that the list contains nearly 1500 people - many of whom will be from those worthy professions. However, celebrity obsessed public only care about the the handful of headline star names.


Harsh as it is. In reality, nobody actually cares about Deirdre the cleaner and part-time charity fundraiser getting an honour, but a famous sports person or an established actor getting one for their services to Theatre is going to sell papers.


We only really have ourselves to blame.  

Edited by ECCOnoob
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Totally agree with you too, @ECCOnoob, but fortunately as you may have noticed from my earlier post, I'm odd, because I have no interest in the 'famous' and actually read much further down the Honours list until I come to those who actually deserve it, and note why they got whatever gong it was. Some of the stories of those people bring tears to my eyes.

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3 hours ago, RollingJ said:

I don't usually post in here (you may have noticed :wink: ), but I have to ask - why do you even bother to buy the bog-rolls that masquerade as 'news'papers?

Because The Daily Mail does not make a big thing of these so called “ Celebrities” and 95% of the paper is interesting.! I know I could read it online but I like to feel the newspaper between my hands. There are always some nice long articles that I  Iike to save till later and read in bed. It relaxes me somehow.

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28 minutes ago, pattricia said:

Because The Daily Mail does not make a big thing of these so called “ Celebrities” and 95% of the paper is interesting.! I know I could read it online but I like to feel the newspaper between my hands. There are always some nice long articles that I  Iike to save till later and read in bed. It relaxes me somehow.

Well, the paper must be totally different to the online version, because that is full of dross, and it must have improved in the past year or so, because the last time I picked a copy up someone had left on a bus, I nearly cried when I saw what they had done to a once reasonable newspaper.

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7 hours ago, pattricia said:

I’ve noticed lately that celebrities are putting any small incident, that has happened to them, online or in the newspapers , to get them noticed and therefor get them work. We don’t want to know about these trivial incidents when the NHS staff are working day and night to nurse ill and dying patients !

The media seems obsessed with telling people what little mishap has befallen these "celebrities", things that happen to ordinary people every day. Most of us just have to carry on the best we can if it happens to us, yet it happens to a "celebrity" and it is a headline on a media site.




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12 minutes ago, iansheff said:

The media seems obsessed with telling people what little mishap has befallen these "celebrities", things that happen to ordinary people every day. Most of us just have to carry on the best we can if it happens to us, yet it happens to a "celebrity" and it is a headline on a media site.

Also I think they get a payment for reporting any news about themselves.




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1 hour ago, RollingJ said:


Greedy gets!

Don't think I agree with that at all.


If the Daily Mail, Take a Break magazine or 1001 websites are making money out of advertising whilst parading your embarrassing photographs of you tripping up on the street or showing your knickers getting into a car or pushing a trolley round a supermarket - why the hell shouldn't the celebrity concerned get some money from it.


Just like I say earlier, it is us consumers who are wanting to see all these mishaps and 'real life' moments of our favourite stars.  If we seek to treat them as our property to be followed around, snapped and  gawped at on our whim then that comes with a price.


After all,  it is them and their image which is the product and attracts the value.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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