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Should Chris Wilder Get The Sack.


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2 hours ago, despritdan said:

There's no point sacking him now as we're as good as down, so I'd give him until a third of the way through next season i.e. after game 15 and if we're in the top 6, let him stay but if we're struggling, then replace him. Losing O'Connell has been a huge factor in our decline and the club's historic lack of ambition has also been a problem for him but he's got a lot wrong. Sticking with this negative system that passed its sell by date towards the end of last season and sticking with Norwood and Lundstram are his decisions. If he'd taken the Bielsa route, we'd have probably been hammered by the top teams but picked up enough points against the lower teams to ensure survival. He might as well be bold now by sending Stevens, Norwood and Lundstram to the same departure lounge as Mousset, Rodwell and Robinson and experiment with other players even though it would mean playing some in unfamiliar positions. Playing McGoldrick on the right side of midfield with Burke on the left and dropping Sharp back to the number 10 role where he wouldn't be surrounded by defenders a foot taller than him would be interesting and just might prove to be a winning formula.

A very good post, being more direct doesnt seem to be an option.  Forward passes into space are a danger for even the best defenders but its not our style unfortunatly

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10 hours ago, NERVY-OWL said:

For me you should keep him, at least a season or two and if getting back up there isn't looking like happening then consider changing if he hadn't walked already. Too much is put on being in the premiership, I don't care if Wednesday never get up there providing off the field the club is run well.

Your finances seem ok from the outside and with parachute payments for 3 years it's surely worth giving your best manager on years the chance to get you back up.

Their finances are a concern, they have a huge loan that has to be paid back by 2023, it was taken out with a view to being paid back from Premier League money, its going to be a rocky road especially without fans in the ground to top up the coffers.

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10 minutes ago, Brooker11 said:

Their finances are a concern, they have a huge loan that has to be paid back by 2023, it was taken out with a view to being paid back from Premier League money, its going to be a rocky road especially without fans in the ground to top up the coffers.

I agree a very rocky road that could drag on and on....



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9 hours ago, Brooker11 said:

Their finances are a concern, they have a huge loan that has to be paid back by 2023, it was taken out with a view to being paid back from Premier League money, its going to be a rocky road especially without fans in the ground to top up the coffers.

I've not looked properly into their finances but they have parachute payments for 3 years so there's abit of leaway there. Whatever the state of the finances though Wilder should stay, I'd want the manager to stay at Wednesday if he'd done what Wilder had.

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Wilder should stay where he is and have a season to rebuild and come back up, if no improvement, move him on, but at the moment  he becdaft to resign, if Wilder quit, where's he going to go, he'd not get a better club, I mean no other premiership club would have him at present,  championship club at best, therefore unless he goes for more money he doesn't want to quit

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11 hours ago, cmonkes said:

Which backs up what I stated above. You state that we have taken out a 'huge loan with no firm evidence of the amount? 


The net revenue for this season alone is circa £94m and the loan is offset against money coming into the club.


You really need to stop with the fictional posts, they lack any sort of evidence or proof and are merely designed in hope of causing unrest. 



The original terms were up to 2020, this was extended to 2023, you stated there had been no formal change to the terms, its you that's in the wrong. Next season will be very interesting and will prove who's correct.

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11 hours ago, cmonkes said:

Which backs up what I stated above. You state that we have taken out a 'huge loan with no firm evidence of the amount? 


The net revenue for this season alone is circa £94m and the loan is offset against money coming into the club.


You really need to stop with the fictional posts, they lack any sort of evidence or proof and are merely designed in hope of causing unrest. 



For me, it's more about how CW has squandered the millions on poor quality strikers.  The "goals for" stats are embarrassing.

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4 hours ago, steved32 said:

For me, it's more about how CW has squandered the millions on poor quality strikers.  The "goals for" stats are embarrassing.

I also agree buying Brewster was a total mistake and a waste of good money...


CW is out of his depth at this level and has been found out this season for all to see...


Certain fans only want him to stay in the job because he is a Sheffield lad...


If it was anyone else they would be up in arms about what's happening at the club....





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