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After Some Support Bubble Help Info Please

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Hi , I'm in a bit of a dilemma about letting my daughter spend time at the weekend with her grandmother. 

She has always been in our bubble and had Christmas with us but after the Jan 21 announcement my wife seems to think shes not allowed to go .

My mum lives on her own and usually has my daughter for some company on sundays .

I've looked online and it still says something about single adults living alone can still have bubbles .

Can someone shed some light on this as the internet is like a minefield with this

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3 hours ago, jamesey said:

Hi , I'm in a bit of a dilemma about letting my daughter spend time at the weekend with her grandmother. 

She has always been in our bubble and had Christmas with us but after the Jan 21 announcement my wife seems to think shes not allowed to go .

My mum lives on her own and usually has my daughter for some company on sundays .

I've looked online and it still says something about single adults living alone can still have bubbles .

Can someone shed some light on this as the internet is like a minefield with this

As far as I understand it (happy to be corrected) - assuming your daughter is over 18 and lives on her own then she can bubble with either yourselves or your mum but not both.


If she doesn't live on her own, she can't bubble with anyone (someone could bubble with her, if they were a single adult household).


If your daughter bubbles with your mum, then you can't bubble with your mum as well (as you can only be in one support bubble and your mum's would be with your daughter).


The support bubbles were initially put in place for single adult households, to combat loneliness and assist mental health I believe. They have since been expanded to include childcare arrangements.


However, it does look like you're trying to join 3 households together which unfortunately I don't think you can do.

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4 hours ago, whiteowl said:

As far as I understand it (happy to be corrected) - assuming your daughter is over 18 and lives on her own then she can bubble with either yourselves or your mum but not both.


If she doesn't live on her own, she can't bubble with anyone (someone could bubble with her, if they were a single adult household).


If your daughter bubbles with your mum, then you can't bubble with your mum as well (as you can only be in one support bubble and your mum's would be with your daughter).


The support bubbles were initially put in place for single adult households, to combat loneliness and assist mental health I believe. They have since been expanded to include childcare arrangements.


However, it does look like you're trying to join 3 households together which unfortunately I don't think you can do.

I’m assuming your daughter lives with you Jamesey?

If that’s the case, your daughter is part of your household...and is part of your existing bubble with you mum, and can therefore visit her.

If she doesn’t live with you...then whiteowl is correct.


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