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Should .Co.Uk Domains Be Regulated?

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Traditionally .com addresses are for US based businesses, but plenty of UK based business have .com domains.


Tesco, Asda, Morissons, M&S to name a few. Why should they be forced to have a .co.uk address?




Here is a list of all the top level domain suffixes around the world; very few of them have a requirement that the registrant has to be based from the country associated with the suffix.



Edited by the_bloke
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Is 'prestige' a real concept any more? Who would refuse to use a firm merely because it was .co.uk rather than .com?


(Remember that, in Victorian days, 'prestige' wasn't such a buzz-word. Instead, it was used in the sense of illusion, magic trick, charm, ability to inspire admiration, prestige, from the French but originally the Latin praestīgiae, tricks, probably alteration of *praestrīgiae, from praestringere, to touch, blunt, blind : prae-, pre- + stringere, to draw tight).

[SOURCE: https://www.thefreedictionary.com/prestige]

Edited by Jeffrey Shaw
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