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Strange object in sky


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A stange thing happened this afternoon in Teesside..a stange object appeared in the sky it was a bright golden colour and it was difficult to look at due to it's brightness and i felt warm..I looked it up on the website and it said that it's a common event in Australia, Florida ,Spain...can anyone abroad give me advice on how to cope if it happens again????.

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It's very dangerous. It's nuclear powered and the warm radiation you felt can lead to skin cancer. I suggest you move to Manchester to ensure you are never subject to a repeat exposure. On the other hand it has a positive effect on Women, inducing them to wear fewer and more revealing clothes - in Manchester the absence of this effect is probably desirable...

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  • 5 years later...
im aamazed how in like 4 comments we have gone from strange object to scarbourough


Scarborough is therefore a strange object? I ask because before I became physically handicapped I was almost — not quite — a stranger to it.

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im aamazed how in like 4 comments we have gone from strange object to scarbourough

I'm surprised it took so long.


Mind you the object I saw in the sky was neither bright nor hot, but it was round, and just hanging there motionless. It was really eerie. Any idea what it could have been?

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one flew over us the other night, first glance it looked like a mini hot air ballon, on fire......we just presumed it was a rogue chinise lantern. very pretty it was too :)


It may have been a rogue Chinese, without his lantern!!!!!!!! :)

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