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Carbrook School

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Hi Fred I went to school with you I am Ann Martin and also my friend Denise College was in your class. My dad Alf Martin had a shop across the road from where you lived. I also remember George Allen, Neil Ramsden, Tony Barfield Donald Athey, who lived over in Lock House. I was also in a class with Lyn Bland, Mary Allott,Ann Kelsey, Janet Windle, Barbara Webster and a few more. Do you remember any of these names.

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Hi Ann Martin My name is Jim Bray I left school in 1953 But young Tony Barfield I know very well I still see him when I come to England Unfortunately he has just lost his mother.

Some other names that you or your family may recall are Tony Kemp, Barry Walker,

Michael Humphries, Malcom Slater, Albert Uttley, Terry Blakemore, Len Baxby.

We all knocked around together in our Teens and thru our Army Days. Tony Barfield,

Ann Kelsey both lived in Wreakin Alley. Pop Caisley the old Headmaster

I hope this helps, if you want any more info just ask I am in contact with most of the names I have mentioned

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I remember Yarmouth Street I lived there with my Aunt Kate and Uncle Bill who helped bring me up after my Mum died when I was 2 yearss old. We lived in the bottom yard across the road from Bruce Shop. In our yard was the Bruce family, the Smiths { Jean, Mick and Alice} the Lavender family {Diane and Phillip] the Ellis family and our house me Ann Martin does any one remember our yard.

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  • 4 months later...

juliediane If it's the same Keith Skelton I'm thinking of he will know Dick Martin, Martin Sapcote and if I remember correctly he lost his bike in the canal. sorry if it's the wrong Skelton

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