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Carbrook School

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My class mate's mum Mrs Barratt worked in the box office and as she new me I could never get in when the films were rated 16 and over.


Hi Mazcris,

I married "your classmate" Linda, and she attends the Carbrook School reunions regularly. Apparently she gets lots of comments about her Mum not letting in her schoolmates, as her Mum obviously knew all your ages.

She is interested in knowing who you are.


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Is this the school round the corner from Yarmouth St ? If so I started there in 1959/60. At the time I was living with my aunty and uncle (Whittaker). I'd lived with them on and off for the previous 5 years due to my mom having TB when I was born. If I remember right we lived at number 5 Yarmouth St. My aunty and uncle also had 2 children called Christine and Stephen. My aunty and uncle moved from there to a bigger house in 1965/66. Anybody remember them or

me ?

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yeah theres nothing.i dont think we had any class photos taken while i was there,but im sure someone has some photos of the school and the kids while i was there.was st barts pulled down because of fire.i rememeber stood at the top of carbrook st watching the fire crew putting it out.was that church st. barts.


hi craigmayo i went to the cubs and scouts at saint barts it was the 141st carbrook i went in the early sixties i wen to carbrook county school i lived on rotherham st a bit higher up the cliffe i was born in 1956

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Slight revival of an old thread, and slightly off topic, but does anyone remember the factory that was adjacent the school on Barking Street? It went up in the 30s and its between the 30s and 1968 that I am interested in its use. It is marked on some maps as the Spring Works I think the entrance was on Dunlop Street, and it had a sizeable electricity supply

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The area has changed substantially over the years, with all the terraced houses now gone.

There is a factory on or about the site of the original Firth Derihon forging company, when I looked down there recently.

Firth Derihon raw metal supplies entrance was on Dunlop Street, opposite Kaths Hairdressors. The Works entrance was on on Barking Street, that lead down to Carbrook Street and the Carbrook pub. At the back of the factory would be Albert Street and then the school.


This company had its other factory at Tinsley opposite Tinsley Wire Industries. Not sure exactly, but Dunlop Street factory closed late 60's/70's and Tinsley factory 1980's. I suppose like all industry,imports from foreign competition forced downturn in demand and eventual closure.


Gary Marshman

North Wales

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Thanks, thats quite interesting, I had always wondered what it was used for before our company bought it in 1968.


The actual pair of warehouses that are original are still there but we built warehouses on barking street, Albert street, the site of the school and of course, the terraced houses. Short street, Askern Street, and Luton Street are still there, in their original locations, but used as our internal roadways, the land around these streets is now used for our storage yards and car park


We are a steel company, and we supply specialist steels to the oil and gas industry mostly. we have a saw shop, machining, and heat treatment facilities.


We also own the New Inn which is used as offices now.

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